Sunday, September 30, 2007
Ooh I Don't Arf Feel Rough
I'm cooking food with the help of my daughter but she's not helping very much. My neighbour is banging and crashing, sawing and drilling!!!!! ARRGGHH it is a nighmare and I have such a headache.
So that is my entry today.
Feel cr*p.
Saturday, September 29, 2007
I Love You Baby

Thursday, September 27, 2007
Future Posh Schools
The one we viewed on Saturday has excellent facilities and excellent staff and there is no reason why we should not choose this school The only real reason not too is it's size is larger than we would like. The school would say it is an advantage, we would say it is a disadvantage. We will be looking at the most likely choice on Saturday and then our son's third choice but our daughter's number one sixth form choice, in two weeks time. I'm looking at finances to see how the hell we can afford to put two kids into public schools because my daughter wants to weekly board at sixth form. We need to presume our daughter will gain a place without a scholarship and the same goes for our son. It's a heady task.
Sunday, September 23, 2007

Friday, September 21, 2007
Governor Visits And All That
My son is moaning about something or nothing.......Sorry but sometimes I wish that my kids would just learn to stand up for themselves. Oh that sounds cruel.....I'm tired and fed up with it all. It is always the same way every Friday. One minute good news then a bad bit followed by something else bad............Oh bloody hell. The good news is that he enjoyed his footie match the other day in which they thrashed the other school 8-O.
I love my children very much, very much indeed.
Monday, September 17, 2007
Out Of Mouths Of Babes

I visited the school council where we talked about health eating and chatted with an ex angry teacher......or should I say I let her vent her spleen? Sometimes it's good to do that but the problem was that I think the Headteacher may of heard some of what she said? I know this teacher is a bit of a nightmare and but I didn't know I was going to get pulled back by her and the Headteacher was not a happy man.....I know either he overheard OR he is not happy that I am aware of some documentation he did not want me to have?
I'm not going to give in to petty sulks and if someone has something to say then they should say it!
One thing though last term.......I nearly gave up being a school governor on more than one occassion. Am I ready to throw the towel in? Do I really want to put up with this sort of behaviour? The answer is no. I'm an adult not a child. Seems those kids are more mature than their teachers sometimes.
Wednesday, September 12, 2007
Rest In Peace Neighbour

But has left behind his aunt who he lived with and his carer who I've been speaking with this morning. His carer felt that my neighbour was more like a father to him and is devastated by his death and at sixes and sevens not knowing what to do? He stayed with my neighbour in the hospital thinking all was going to be OK. His carer went home however at 1am he recieved a phonecall to say "get back" My neighbour had a massive heart attack and was probably unaware of what was going on. I hope so as he would have been very frightened. The staff had allowed his carer to stay late because it kept my neighbour calmer......Now I shall miss the shouting and his 6am walks to the shop, especially when he forgets where he lives and insists on coming into my house!
My friend's gran is 93 and she told me last week that she too was at death's door. I should suspect that her gran is now no longer here? It is so sad that death greets us all but sadly we all must die some day. My cousin said when he was about seven that "if everyone lived forever there would be no room for all the new babies who would need to be born". Classic words from a small child but quite true.
Little Maddie McCann was only 3 (if she is dead) when she lost her life. I hope she is alive but it looks as though she is not. I don't know how I feel about that.......There is mounting evidence and now which ever newspaper you read tells you a different story. One states that the hair found in the car is from a child who is dead the other says something else? What is true?
I don't get it anyway? That part of the story makes no sense. How did the parents keep the child secret for all of that time? Where did they keep her? It sounds like the Portuguese are clutching at straws to me. Maybe the McCanns DID play a part in their own daughter's death but this part of disposing of the body sounds silly and comical when it needs to be serious.
Life is so precious. Whether you live for 70 years or 70 minutes you need to make the most of it. Today my pain is lower for the main part. I'm making the most of it.
Tuesday, September 11, 2007
Sleepy Day
I'm so tired from too much medication over the past few days and too much emotion . Our poorly bunny is fine now and over his adventure to the vets and my son is gradually getting over his guilt.
Today is orchestra day and my daughter is back to playing her clarinet reguarly. I've got to wake myself up for that!
Saturday, September 08, 2007
Sick Wabbit
My son had rather foolishly not left Jimmy with any water OR FOOD! I could not believe my eyes. Jimmy was obviously dehydrated and to keep him calm I put him back in his hutch rather than leaving him in his run. I've been feeding him water and tomato juice with a pipette. He hates the tomato juice but a rabbit expert friend says it is a great booster for bunnies.
Jim hasn't been getting any better and so I phoned the vet nurse for advice but really I wanted Jim seen by the vet as my instincts are frightened right now. I don't want to lose 'Mr Jimjim'.......He's part of our family! The poor bunny is so weak and it is not just because my son didn't leave his water out, I don't know if my son is using an excuse but he tells me Jim didn't eat much of his food from yesterday which is why he gave him more today; shame he left the food in Mr Jimjim's hutch! Also we know our lovely boybunny is definately not well when he hasn't eaten his treat and it has been left in his hutch.....Something is really wrong.
I know there are many things wrong in the world, People dying, Maddy's parents being suspected of involvement of her death, (how I feel on that I'm not sure?), but all I care about is a six month old rabbit.
Fight Mr Jimjim and say "Hello" (Sorry joke we have in our house) to Lulu when you get home. We all love you very much and mistakes will never happen like this ever again.
Tuesday, September 04, 2007
Jane Tomlinson Rest In Peace

Monday, September 03, 2007
School Dinner Cheese Meltdown For Anyone?

The problem is it has only been two years and you can't expect teenagers to change their whole diet if all they have at home is junk food. My son who has only just left primary school also said that children were swapping to packed lunches and that included those entitled to free school meals because they wanted burgers!
What sort of society do we have when kids are dictating over their parents as to what they are going to eat? I'm not being funny here but I tell my kids what they are having for dinner and they eat it. If they don't eat it then there is nothing else till the next meal. Yes of course somtimes I make cheeseburgers but they are homemade ones and I know what is in them. My kids also sometimes eat sweets but not all of the time!
Sadly most kids seem to want to stuff their faces full of crap. I hope healthy meals continue because healthy hearts, brains and bodies are more important for their futures.
Saturday, September 01, 2007
Bad Night's Sleep But BRIAN won Big Brother 8