She was asked before Christmas if she would like to join and she went along to a course which led to a concert on 30 December and I was so proud to see my darling daughter playing (even if I couldn't really see her head above the violinists!!!!) I knew she was there didn't I?
Since posting the above my daughter has come home with her 'finger injury'. I had a phone call earlier from her school to explain that she had hurt her finger on some sort of machine and her finger had been still bleeding after some considerable time. One of the school first aider's had managed to stem the bleeding or so she hoped, and phoned me at that point; the deal was that my daughter was going to report back at break if her finger was still causing her concern and we heard nothing more until my girly came home with a delightful bandage upon her digit. I've taken a look and it's nasty cut which goes into her nail. Her fingertip is tingling and her finger itself feels "different to the others". My own experience with peripheral neuropathy tells me the warning signs with that phrase! We're going to keep an eye on her and I don't think she needs hospital treatment anyway which would frighten without me. She hates her dad having to take her anywhere!!!!! My daughter still intends to go along to the orchestra later and will, with the appropriate size bandage, play her clarinet tonight. I was told that she has the best talent out of all the clarinetists and she'll fit in easily and that reminds me, I must sort out her money for a tour she's doing too (brain fart there).
Long blog entry today. Hope all who read this are well?
Hugs to all.
Pigletwiglet, finally able to get on here, long time waiting, glad to hear your doing ok, but bummed your computer has that dreaded virus, thinking of you my dear.
Hi Pigletwiglet, finally able to access your blog, gosh! that dreaded computer virus is not good, glad to hear your doing good and that the family is doing well. Visit me on my blog if you can.
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