Been watching BB8 as I'm sure those who regularly read my blog are aware of. It is beginning to warm up now and the excitement hopefully is that Pauline or Pooh/Poo from the Australian BB House will be joining the UK house for a short period of time. No one knows how long she will be with the housemates, it all depends how long it takes them to work out she is an actress. LOVE IT!!!!!
Thaila Zucchi (if I have spelt that correctly) is a UK actress who has
appeared on a few TV shows recently and could easily be busted by the housemates at any time, so she's going to have to put on a great act. I wonder why the producers have decided to use such an obvious choice? Could it be that they want the HMs to work out the 'mole' in the number? I can see why this week is a very clever choice to use Pauline and why it is also the start of 'FAKE WEEK'. Another fabulous turn of events is on Friday a housemate is going to be evicted, interviewed by Davina and then thrown straight back into the house. ........The further twist is the the housemates will be watching every single word of the interview. This week is the clever choice because most of the housemates have made it clear that the are growing increasingly tiresome of Charley.
Charley will be a brilliant choice to be interviewed next week and the only other better choice is Ziggy (unlikely to be voted by his peers)
- Sorry not PIGGY!
or Chanelle (very likely to be voted). Chanelle will go to pieces when she sees that dear Ziggy has been telling Gerry he wants to end his relationship with her. I doubt she will even want to go back into the house at all except to slap Ziggy which I'd pay money to watch!!!!

Looks as though Carole is playing detective and thinks Pauline may not be who she says she is? Brian also WATCHED Australian BB but did not even recognize that Pauline was not in the programme nor the diary room chair was different or even the diary room was not even the same? Thought the lad was playing thick but maybe he really is?