Gerry, here on the right taking a nap which he frequently does throughout the day, was yesterday morning having a fantastic chat with Liam about many of the housemates but alas he discussed nominations. He was
talking with Liam who I think was trying desperately not to mention that dreaded 'N' word and in fact the word was changed to eviction. They predicted that Charley would be gone by next Friday. Have they formed a pact? If so the producers will not allow them to vote next week.....unless the producers now realise we, the audience are beginning to tire of the constant arguments and want her gone next week!

Who knows what will happen next? Laura and Chanelle are up for nomination this week and I feel it is almost certain that Laura will go because the silly girl has used the word 'poof' more than a couple of times. Because Emily used a racist term and was kicked out earlier in the series, Laura is also under those same rules according to BB. The rule states that Big Brother has the right to remove a housemate if they use offensive or derogatory language. (Don't have the exact wording but it is similar to that). I bet there are a shed load of lawyers now looking over this and Emily will also be taking some sort of legal advise because taking my feelings out of this, if the rule is considered the same the so should the punishment?
I'm part of a forum and I try to keep an open mind about what people say and I keep my ramblings for here. I felt that awful nasty bitch of a girl Emily was racist in using that word and no matter how many times she states she was friends with Charley this is a lie; she tolerated her and that word was from the undercurrent of her real feeling of dismissiveness towards her. As for Laura, hanging her head in shame, I
do not believe she meant any harm by her word but it is ignorant to use it and in particular in front of or to a gay man. Gerry is not the sort of person to say if he is offended and so I doubt we will not know untill he is interviewed with Davina. I'm sure the public will vote heavily now because of this and Laura does not stand a chance. The producer's job is done for them, nice and neatly by the public. Hatchet job though if you ask me and I hope that Laura is NOT booed as she walks out the door for this one word. If she gets a few boos (not ALL boos) but a few, that should be because she looked like a good HM when she went in but alas now her dressing gown is more exciting than she is.

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