Everything at home is much more stable so at least I have some hope for the future. I also have some lovely pressies; perfume, chocolate, hand creme, a necklace and a present yet to come from my dear son who decided to wait until today to buy my gift. Not that I mind.......No I don't really........ honestly do I? As long as I am not forgotten. I guess I feel a little niggled because I do so much for everyone and one day a year is my day and I would like it to be special for me. I am being taken out for dinner so I know later I will be looked after then........Just felt a little upset yesterday when I knew my son had deliberately ignored the fact that my so called special day was coming up and did nothing about it. I had said that his dad could help him out but no this was not good enough. His dad could have helped him out too but his dad did nothing; his sister could have helped him but that is a whole different story which I don't know if I want to talk about in this entry? Maybe I should but it will make this yet another long entry. Here goes.
Last Sunday, my daughter told us she was going out with an old friend from her old school. This was fine. She then met up with another girl she knew we did not trust but also she knew she could not trust herself with. Everytime our daughter went out with this girl she would come home late or get herself into some sort of trouble; nothing major but bad enough. At 4.50pm I took a phonecall from a store detective to tell me my daughter had been caught stealing with three other girls. I was stunned into scilence and did not know what to say? Hubby and I got to the shop as quickly as we could to be greeted with these four girls, two I had never met and one who I had know since she was four years old and this one was the girl I told my daughter not to go out with. I can;t stop thinking about her because she looked haggered and ill. I'm concerned about her health more than anything because of what my daughter has said about her, she is only 15 yet looks seven. Her parents had not turned up to collect her in all the time we were there and all the other parents/grandparents were there to deal with the girls. One was a single mum - This was the mum of the girl my daughter was supposed to be going out with. She quite rightly had a word to say to my daughter when my daughter made that silly claim "I wouldn't have done this if I was on my own." No, I don't think she would have but the truth is she stole or was co-erced into stealing because she thought it was the way to gain friendship. There was another girl there who I had never met. Her grandfather came to collect her and told us how her grandmother and he were now looking after her and she was at home in peices and any more problems and that little girl (because they all looked like little girls), would end up in care like her older sister. Her father was in prison and her mother was dead and it appeared that she was the ringleader of the group and yet my daughter cannot comprehend why this girl is stealing? She just felt is was something to do I think to fit in?
So four girls, four differing backgrounds but all of them in severe trouble for shoplifting. Thankfully the shop sis not prosicute but my daughter is banned from that shop and the others that the girls stole from. My daughter claims that the girls went into changing rooms and put the items into their bags in these rooms. She claims that one girl was the ring leader but they were all guilty not just one of them even the one who stood by and put nothing in her bag.
If I had written this last Monday this would have been an angry blog entry but now I know my daughter has learned a hard lesson. She believed that the girls from her old school were fantastic and lovely and the ones at her new school were bitches. She has forgotten that nearly a year has gone by and hormones have kicked in plus her rose colour spectacles are also clouding her judgement. She was having terrible problems with those horrible girls at her old school. She now knows the truth.
I believe that the girl she should have been with has a good heart and if her mother allows it, my daughter and her daughter could still be friends and the pair of them were the ones who alloed themselves to be led but I'm not 100% certain of this. I've seen her but not met her so to speak so hard to say this for definate and only speaking on what my daughter has said about her. As for the two other girls, my daughter knows what our wishes are and if she chooses to go out with them it is against our wishes. I do not think she will do this as she feels very let down and very anxious. We will not let her down - They will. I feel very much for her.
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