Monday, December 31, 2007
Goodbye 2007
It is time to say goodbye to all that has gone and time to look forward to the new year. My son says he is looking forward to being a teenager and being able to swear at people! LIKE HELL HE IS!!!!! Right now both of the little devils are annoying me so I've told them to be a bit quieter because I'm tired to be honest.
So it is goodbye to what? who?
Madeleine McCann, kidnapped aged 3
Rhys Jones aged 11, murder victim
Kevin Greening, Radio DJ, died Saturday aged 44
Benazir Bhutto, assassinated aged 54
Ike Turner, the man who beat but never defeated Tina Turner, died , aged 76
Les Shannon, Footie manager aged 81
Anton Rogers, actor who I last saw in Chitty Chitty on the West End a couple of years ago. Died aged 74
Tony Holland, 67, co wrote Eastenders
Ian Smith, Rhodesian Prime Minister, aged 88
Alderbrook, aged 18 - a racehorse who gets a mention for no other reason other than I feel like mentioning it.
Bao Zunxin, 70, Chinese intellectual and jailed Tiananmem Square activist who deserves more of a mention than a racehorse!
Alan Coren, writer aged 69
Werner Von Trapp, aged 91. The iconic inspiration and leader of the Trapp family singers
Glut of 112 year olds who died this year (too many to mention)
Princess Katherine of Greece and Denmark (the last surviving grandchild of Queen Victoria)
Lois Maxwell, 80 year old original Miss Moneypenny
Marcel Marceau aged 84 the infamous French mime artist
Maia Simon 67, French film and TV actress who headed to Switzerland where there is a clinic specializing in assisting deaths. Sounds like a good idea if you can do it to me.
Colin McCrae, British racing driver who was only 39 when he and his 6 year old son were killed in a helicopter crash
Clare Oliver, Australian activist who had to become famous after discovering she had cancer and then only having weeks to live. Three weeks later she was dead. Terribly sad
Jane Wyman, 90, Actress
Luciano Pavarotti opera singer aged 71
Shitsu Nakano aged 113 from Japan, the Worlds oldest person!
That's half the list from today
I shall complete my personal goodbye list tomorrow as I'm bored now and it's 10.30pm and I need to be with my kids.
Wednesday, December 26, 2007
I Feel Sick
"When can I open my present?" She enquires.
"When we decide". We reply. "Maybe today, maybe tomorrow". Now normally there would be a tantrum following this but surprise surprise, politeness follows. That's just how we like it. I understand being a teenager is difficult. You have hormones to contend with plus my daughter has my raging pain monster which scares her as much as it does me. But this does not give her the right to treat me like dirt. I felt horrible because I ......can't remember if I wrote this yesterday? I told my daughter that if she continues to behave in this vindictive way, telling us she hates us all the time and making family life unbearable, that when she finishes school at 16 she can find a job and move out. After all if she hates us then what is the point in being around us? She's only here to get her bed and board it appears and she uses her dad to get her from A to B. He gets most of her anger and he also angers me as he will not listen to me when I try and help him build his relationship with our daughter. If only he would meet her in the middle - Be the adult, then the arguments would lessen and we would have a 'normal angry teen' instead of an 'mega pent up angry teen'.
Going back to what I said - Why did I say that? I feel so upset with myself but it's true! I don't want to be around all of this anger and I had an argument on Christmas Eve with my husband because of our daughter and his stubburn refusal to meet in the middle. He's learning to take back control of authority which is great and I 100% support him but you cannot be a control freak which is what he is becoming. This I will not support.
Today I am tired. My gallbladder is hurting too and I feel sick. It hasn't played up for a while now so why is it chosing boxing day to make an appearance? I've made the traditional Boxing Day German Potato Salad (tradition in our house), pasta salad is on the go and roast ham is in the oven. No wonder I don't feel great. Do not ask me how my back feels......I can't feel it.
Roll on 2008.
Tuesday, December 25, 2007
Joy To The World And To Teenagers - GROW UP!
Sunday, December 23, 2007
The Other Website
I could give a great excuse and say the pain monster has been a complete b*****d and getting to the laptop has been the last thing I have wanted to do.
Fingers crossed I will get back here before Christmas but if not.
Saturday Christmas Get-together
I'm sure I talked about this last year and said how I couldn't get up to see the family the year before last; but again I'll talk about it as it was a great afternoon and something happened that brought back such a wonderful memory. So excuse the long entry.
My uncle had been going through some old photos and found one which he thought I would like to see.......It was about 20 years old and so funny. It was of a rather handsome man in his late 30s pulling a rather ugly face. Yet still his handsome,kindness, graciousness, wonderfulness, shone through. That man was my dad.
I hadn't realised how much I missed him till I saw that photo and the tears started to flow. It's been a few days over eight years since he passed and even as I write this I feel the sadness of not having him here. What was so very odd was on the day of our classic family get-together we also watch the final of Strictly Come Dancing and there's Gethin (excuse if I've spelt it wrong), and another aunt saying that he has 'the look' of my dad! Now that really was the strangest thing as I fancy the pants off Gethin. I've always thought that my dad was a gorgeous man and my mum made a wonderful choice when she picked him. Now I don't fancy my dad in that sense so don't get me wrong but just saying how handsome he was.
I told a friend this morning about the photo and she told me how I talked about my mum but hardly ever about my dad. She's right. I don't know why because I adored him. Maybe the pain is too much to think about? Losing him days before Christmas is bad enough and I have had to put myself on autopilot for many years to help me cope with the stress of those days. I thought I was OK? I thought that pain had gone......It has not. I've told my uncle that I would let him have my addy for this blog and I know he is likely to read this and if he does I want to say THANKS.
I LOVE THAT PHOTO!!!!!! I do not have many pictures of my dad and I'm so happy (even through my tears) that I have this one which I'm honoured to have.
So my last words for this blog entry our in honour of my father.
The best dad in the world, the best grampy in the world, the best friend to those who knew him, the best employee to those who employed him and the most wonderful man that ever lived and died.
Wednesday, December 19, 2007
Last Chrsitmas I Gave You My Heart
Ah! Wham had a great number two Christmas hit with that little ditty there didn't they? Are you full of the joys of Christmas yet? I'm getting there but my pain levels have been so high and I've been unable to get on top of anything/card sending/email writing etc. It's driving me bananas....with frustration but also because my pain is so bad I'm inconsolable every evening. My kids have tried to cheer me up however I'd rather they left me alone to suffer in silence. My son came to my room last night and watched TV with me and all I wanted to do was cry; not because I didn't want him there I may add, but it's every evening not just occassional now. I just can't stand it. I'm not getting to sleep till gone midnight and right now I know I need to go and lie down because I'm being stupid sitting here. None of this is very festive is it?
I have my family get-to-gether on Saturday. We shall see if I am up to it? If not then the kids can go up with their dad. My big plan is lots of medication!!!!!!!!!!!
Saturday, December 15, 2007
Straight A Students
My children have BOTH brought home good school reports this term. My son's is (I shouldn't say this) but expected as he always puts in a lot of effort to produce great results and he's in a new private school which means he's no longer at the top of the pile any more. He's having to work to get up to that top spot and it may take him till he leave in July 2009 till he reaches that aim in some areas! Other areas like PE/games he has already achieved a great deal and already annoyed his head of PE by leaving the footie team as my lad doesn't really enjoy the sport as much as his beloved rugby. Next term is rugby season and practice has already started and so my lad is in his element. He pulled muscles this week and was 'miffed' with the coach because of the lack of stretching beforehand - I'm sure those in the know understand what I'm talking about?! My son still produced a '2B' which I'm sure would have been a '1A had he stuck with the football squad! (Numbers for effort and 1 being excellent to 5 being dire, letters for achievement, A being well above average, C average, E having series weaknesses).
My son's weakest subject is French but yet he still received a D1 (officially D2 but verbally upgraded when spoke to teacher and she realised how much hard work my son is putting in at home to catch up with his peers who are way ahead of him. Best subject was saxophone lessons - A1! There were other 'As' and other '1s', a couple of Cs and a mixture of of 'B2s' All in all a super effort.
Now for my daughter who did not gain so many grade As (In fact she gained just the one but it was for ICT and she has NEVER EVER gained an A in ICT and so it is all the more special. Her grades were mostly Cs, a few Bs and then Ds, with an E thrown in for a section in Art. Everything was broken down into "Realisation on theory" or "Homework" or "Technical appreciation of the Dingily Dangle Dongle" - Get my drift? All seemed a bit silly and I would have preferred a straight forward grade for effort, homework and achievement.
What was striking was that my darling daughter is doing her homework! Yes at long last things are moving forward. There is inconsistancies however she is flowing in the right direction. It is not an Amazon but a little trickling stream which sometimes has a backflow and gets it wrongs but hay ho I don't care. She's getting there now and paying that money for her education is worth it.
OK I've written along entry and I have a splitting headache which is driving me up the wall. I feel sick too and don't quite know what to do with myself!!!!!!!!! My daughter has just annoyed me and I've shouted at her which has made me feel worse - So much for feeling great about her. I still feel good about her acheivements. It has been a major step for her to change schools; 14 is such a hard age but I don't think she realises that 37 is too.
Sunday, December 02, 2007
Nicked Bike
Yesterday was one of those days. My son went off to his ballet class and was late back......Hubby then noticed his bike lock on the floor and I knew what my son was going to say when he walked through the door.
Yes, some thieving b*****d had stolen his beloved bicycle!
I cannot say what my emotions were yesterday - actually I can; anger, hurt, fear (of intrusion and that maybe someone was watching my 11 year old), upset and I had a cry and shout about the whole affair. What annoyed both hubby and I was my son's reaction to what happened. He told us that he had put the bike behind some bins and hoped and thought it would be safe - Not in the city and just before Christmas! Some druggie or some little sod has run off with it and even typing this makes me angry. We've had a child nearly steal it from our front garden before and I can't believe that a CHILD would try and steal from another child but it happens. There are no morals in some households and that's the truth of it all isn't it? When my son couldn't find the bike he was angry, cried and felt those emotions we felt but since then he has hardly shown any remorse for his stupid mistake. Yes he can walk to and from school but it is a long way and I'll be honest I'm going to struggle with him making that journey in the darkness. I'm a mum and isn't that natural?
The only choice was to find him a new/second hand bike as soon as possible and so hubby decided to take him to local shop where they inflate the prices (and I've already seen that compared to the net this is true), and he has brought my son a brand spanking new bike, a new chain, new lights and I hope an attitude to never forget his lock.
£191 later.........
Wednesday, November 28, 2007
My talented twosome
I don't understand this wireless stuff? It doesn't make any sense but what the heck, I shall keep going. In the meantime I shall tell you all about my dear babies or rather the nearly teen and the monsterous teen. Firstly the teenage daughter who is trying hard to turn herself around since parents evening just over two weeks ago. We have found her a new clarinet teacher and he informed me that my clever little girl has self taught herself brilliantly since the Easter term and is now playing above grade five standard! This has boosted her confidence no end and she's now talking about taking grade five and gaining a distinction which is something she would not have done before.
Now child number two. I've just got off the phone .....well actually it was about half an hour ago because my back is a rotter and I couldn't get to the laptop sooner but anyway, the Head of my son's dance school phoned up and asked if he had told us about the open audition on Friday for a full time place at the school? It's for a 50% scholarship and my lad who she watched on Friday and who has glowing reports, has amazing potential.
My son has not said a word and so either he's not interested or he thinks he's not capable or he thinks we will say no. The truth is we have said no because he has only just started at a new school and loves it. We are more than happy for him to consider the possiblity of ballet school in two years time however I would not consider the one he is being offered an autition at......It is not the right one for him and I'm not being funny here. Academically it is not a very good school and my son is as bright as they come; he would hate a school which didn't stretch him. So yes a dilema but what a delightful one to have!
My daughter has been driving us mad with her behaviour and has been a complete cow at comes but then you get those moments when she is fantastic. I love her no matter what even when she is arguing with me and telling me to "Shuddup". My son is still my baby and I suppose he always will be, he's now genuinely also turning into a real Billy Elliot too.
Thursday, November 15, 2007
Confidence Is All That Was Needed
So the PE teacher thought she was going to fail PE did she? (This is what she told my daughter but something I was unaware of when I spoke with her last week).
My daughter is swimming in an away gala against another school today and is nervous but happy. She didn't want to be in the squad if the truth be known; "Who wants to be one of the popular gang, not me" she quoted......But I wonder if she really does? We all want to be popular at 14 don't we? It is a hard life being a teenager.
As for me? I have a cold on the way. Acupuncture this morning has hopefully helped to stop it coming out fully or stopped it from being too horrendous., we shall have to wait and see on that score. The pain monster? He's here and sitting on me. I've taken some - no lots of drugs to stuper him and yet the bugger is still beating me. He is a strong devil!!!!!
Saturday, November 10, 2007
Maybe This Is A Turning Point?
I had a good chat with her this morning and today is a good day to talk about what has gone on since Thursday eve. To start with it is good to say that ALL of her teachers have said her homework has improved and it is now being handed in! WOW, that is an amazing effort on her behalf. The second point to state is my daughter is on course to achieve at least 'C' in every single subject alas this is where the but comes in. She is not applying herself fully because her self asteem is getting in the way. Most of her teachers have spotted this and are on top of this. Her form tutor is brilliant I must add and we can talk to her about everything; her English teacher is also topform. She is another teacher we would like to speak to or should I say add a little further information too because she asked why my daughter has such problems with her self esteem and I do not feel it is right nor proper to speak in front of my daugher like this. I would like to speak to my daughter's form tutor and let her know we have tried to get her to speak to a councillor without any luck so far. She will be ready one day. We are still seeing that councillor and she's great. Yesterday I asked her if we could re-refer in the future or have we had our chance? Yes, we can re-refer at any time. This is great news for us.
(Phone rang and had to disappear off for a while)
I had a good chat with my daughter this morning and we talked about everything and anything. We talked about how she was feeling about home and how she felt about us as parents and how things had been at home. She is much happier and feels that both I and my husband are in her words "friendlier and nicer". We must have been ogres before! Or maybe that is how we deemed to be to her? I'm glad we are putting in boundries for her or should I say my husband is now on board because this is working. The parents evening was not too dire, only the PE teacher was not the best. She felt she had not clicked with my daugther and I felt she was a little rude towards her! In the end I defended my daughter and pointed out that my daughter's previous reports ALWAYS were exemplery in PE Never a bad word in this subject and so possibly it is not the subject but something else going on? Sometimes people have to take resonsibility and it is not always the child who is in the wrong. We then went on to speak to a fabulous art teacher who told us our daughter was a brilliant artist and was on course for achieving at LEAST a C but if only she could stop drifting off! Her teacher said the possibility is there of an A as did every single other teacher!!!! Oh I lie.....The bloody PE teacher didn't say that, in fact she told my daughter in a lesson that she was going to fail the subject and that no girl had ever failed PE with her before! I do not think very much of her tactics considering this is a school were they are trying to build up my daughter's confidence.
All in all, the teachers are doing a great job (bar an exception with poor communication). We hope to be able to speak to a couple and fill them in on a few issues to help them understand our daughter more. Hope that helps her. At home we will do our best to help her and the teachers are doing their best for her. The physics teacher even offered extra support in his lunch hour where he already has a couple of other pupils seeing him. He was a decent teacher......Great staff there.
Positive evening. Hopeful for the future, lets see what happens?
Wednesday, October 31, 2007
Happy Birthday Mum
The kids think of today as just Halloween but for me it is much more. Another year has gone past without my mother in my life but I do not feel as sad as I have done in the past. I still bought my mum a card and I would have loved to have gone up to the grave however my pain levels (oh here we go again!) mean it is impossible to drive that far.
Tomorrow is another day of worry......I'm going to speak with the HT at the school where I am currently a governor. What do I do when I really do not know what I want to do? I cannot talk about why I feel so upset with the governing side of things, that's too complex and too confidential.......Just really do not know what to do and right now I need to move about as I can't sit still with this leg hurting!!!!
Tuesday, October 30, 2007
Back At School
Saturday, October 27, 2007
Wednesday, October 24, 2007
With difficulty that's how.........
It has been a hard couple of weeks in the Wiglet household and I've not had much time on the net. I've got to try and get hold of some old friends who seem to have had troubles with my new email addy too today as well as I do NOT want to lose them....That would be worse than anything I could bare to think about! Also must phone a friend 'up north' at some point this week as I keep forgetting about that too. She's had an appointment with her pain person and I'd love to catch up on how that went and general chitchat that goes with it. I love our natters.
But back to the 14 stealing......I've had this doubt for a couple of weeks but you know when you cannot quite believe it to be true? How could your own daughter be stealing from you? At first she admitted to it being 45pence here and there but finally she has admitted it's been in total £25 with £15 in one day from her father's wallet. How he didn't notice that is beyond me. He's taking it all personally instead of seeing that actually he has a part to play here. I don't mean to blame him as my daughter has to take responsibility for her actions but so does my husband.
You see, we made an agreement that my husband pays out pocket money every Sunday and he keeps 'forgetting'. If he forgets then it is letting the children down and hardly fair to them. Four weeks ago our daughter was banned from gettting her pocket money and THAT was the week she stole the £15, but she had been taking the smaller items of money over a period of over days before that because my husband had not been paying out. It's OK for me to say "Don't worry I've noted down every single penny you should be getting paid", however, the kids are not getting ANYTHING! This is totally unjust and it is driving me insane. My issue of course is I am disabled and find it so hard to get about and so leave it to the husband to be responsible to something ie the pocket money. He is their father after all!
I also have to ask my husband to leave me money so it is not just the kids who rely on him and if the children are going out I will ensure they are never short of a few quid and so I feel very let down today with my daughter and hurt by her actions.
So what did we do? I asked her why she needed the money? It was for topping up her phone (which is NEVER an issue and I will always give her money so I think it is more than that and will talk to her when hubby is not around)We told her she has to pay us back a pound a week. We felt asking her to pay us back all in one go is asking for trouble because she may see temptation in the way if she has no money and steal again. pound a week is good enough. We told her we need to be able to trust her and now that is difficult because she has broken that trust. I told her she must talk to me if she needs money for whatever reason......And have just caught her alone after hubby has gone off on his own and yes the money was for topping up phone, going to the pier with friends after school and generally cheering herself up with chocolate. This worries me daughter is comfort eating constantly, underweight (though not massively but enough for us to worry) and hiding chocolate wrappers in her bedroom. She is NOT binge eating nor vommiting food she eats for her dinners but she is using foods we all know give us a natural high. We have spoken to a counsellor and we have tried to get our daughter to speak to a counsellor but she's not ready to do this and so until then we are speaking to the counsellor and getting support from her; this has been hugely helpful. Oh there's another reason why my daughter steals from her dad and not me, its because she doesn't like him much.
My husband has been very ............Oh I can't think of the word? He's been such hard work again and we've argued again today before any of this started. It is not a good day and he has taken our daughter's actions personally which is silly? He needs to speak to someone on his own.....I wish he would do this now as I don't know how much longer I can tolerate this marriage like this. I feel like I am existing and I'm very very unhappy.
I'd love to be romanced. Candles on the table, dinner cooked.....salmon would be nice with a sauce of some description, then a pud to follow. A couple of glasses of wine to wash it all down with and Bob's your uncle.
Alas that never happens with my man. Either I cook with my pain levels or it DOES NOT HAPPEN...................Think I need to stop crying and now I have another reason possibly why my daughter stole from her dad? Maybe she is getting revenge for me? I don't think she understands that though, I do.
Sunday, October 07, 2007
Tally Ho!
Wednesday, October 03, 2007
Strange World
My whole life seems to be full of strange oddities and sometimes I do not know if I am coming or a going? I didn't sleep last night. No, I lie, I slept for about an hour in total so I feel very tired now. I have just had my morning cuddle with my rabbits which makes the world feel much more a better place and all is right with the world.......except it is not.
I have my appointment with the bowel surgeon today and I will see what he has got to say? If he is anything like the last one then I'm in trouble! Being told the only option is to have my bowel removed is pretty dire. I'll let you know tomorrow what this one says.
Sunday, September 30, 2007
Ooh I Don't Arf Feel Rough
I'm cooking food with the help of my daughter but she's not helping very much. My neighbour is banging and crashing, sawing and drilling!!!!! ARRGGHH it is a nighmare and I have such a headache.
So that is my entry today.
Feel cr*p.
Saturday, September 29, 2007
I Love You Baby
Thursday, September 27, 2007
Future Posh Schools
The one we viewed on Saturday has excellent facilities and excellent staff and there is no reason why we should not choose this school The only real reason not too is it's size is larger than we would like. The school would say it is an advantage, we would say it is a disadvantage. We will be looking at the most likely choice on Saturday and then our son's third choice but our daughter's number one sixth form choice, in two weeks time. I'm looking at finances to see how the hell we can afford to put two kids into public schools because my daughter wants to weekly board at sixth form. We need to presume our daughter will gain a place without a scholarship and the same goes for our son. It's a heady task.
Sunday, September 23, 2007
Friday, September 21, 2007
Governor Visits And All That
My son is moaning about something or nothing.......Sorry but sometimes I wish that my kids would just learn to stand up for themselves. Oh that sounds cruel.....I'm tired and fed up with it all. It is always the same way every Friday. One minute good news then a bad bit followed by something else bad............Oh bloody hell. The good news is that he enjoyed his footie match the other day in which they thrashed the other school 8-O.
I love my children very much, very much indeed.
Monday, September 17, 2007
Out Of Mouths Of Babes
I visited the school council where we talked about health eating and chatted with an ex angry teacher......or should I say I let her vent her spleen? Sometimes it's good to do that but the problem was that I think the Headteacher may of heard some of what she said? I know this teacher is a bit of a nightmare and but I didn't know I was going to get pulled back by her and the Headteacher was not a happy man.....I know either he overheard OR he is not happy that I am aware of some documentation he did not want me to have?
I'm not going to give in to petty sulks and if someone has something to say then they should say it!
One thing though last term.......I nearly gave up being a school governor on more than one occassion. Am I ready to throw the towel in? Do I really want to put up with this sort of behaviour? The answer is no. I'm an adult not a child. Seems those kids are more mature than their teachers sometimes.
Wednesday, September 12, 2007
Rest In Peace Neighbour
But has left behind his aunt who he lived with and his carer who I've been speaking with this morning. His carer felt that my neighbour was more like a father to him and is devastated by his death and at sixes and sevens not knowing what to do? He stayed with my neighbour in the hospital thinking all was going to be OK. His carer went home however at 1am he recieved a phonecall to say "get back" My neighbour had a massive heart attack and was probably unaware of what was going on. I hope so as he would have been very frightened. The staff had allowed his carer to stay late because it kept my neighbour calmer......Now I shall miss the shouting and his 6am walks to the shop, especially when he forgets where he lives and insists on coming into my house!
My friend's gran is 93 and she told me last week that she too was at death's door. I should suspect that her gran is now no longer here? It is so sad that death greets us all but sadly we all must die some day. My cousin said when he was about seven that "if everyone lived forever there would be no room for all the new babies who would need to be born". Classic words from a small child but quite true.
Little Maddie McCann was only 3 (if she is dead) when she lost her life. I hope she is alive but it looks as though she is not. I don't know how I feel about that.......There is mounting evidence and now which ever newspaper you read tells you a different story. One states that the hair found in the car is from a child who is dead the other says something else? What is true?
I don't get it anyway? That part of the story makes no sense. How did the parents keep the child secret for all of that time? Where did they keep her? It sounds like the Portuguese are clutching at straws to me. Maybe the McCanns DID play a part in their own daughter's death but this part of disposing of the body sounds silly and comical when it needs to be serious.
Life is so precious. Whether you live for 70 years or 70 minutes you need to make the most of it. Today my pain is lower for the main part. I'm making the most of it.
Tuesday, September 11, 2007
Sleepy Day
I'm so tired from too much medication over the past few days and too much emotion . Our poorly bunny is fine now and over his adventure to the vets and my son is gradually getting over his guilt.
Today is orchestra day and my daughter is back to playing her clarinet reguarly. I've got to wake myself up for that!
Saturday, September 08, 2007
Sick Wabbit
My son had rather foolishly not left Jimmy with any water OR FOOD! I could not believe my eyes. Jimmy was obviously dehydrated and to keep him calm I put him back in his hutch rather than leaving him in his run. I've been feeding him water and tomato juice with a pipette. He hates the tomato juice but a rabbit expert friend says it is a great booster for bunnies.
Jim hasn't been getting any better and so I phoned the vet nurse for advice but really I wanted Jim seen by the vet as my instincts are frightened right now. I don't want to lose 'Mr Jimjim'.......He's part of our family! The poor bunny is so weak and it is not just because my son didn't leave his water out, I don't know if my son is using an excuse but he tells me Jim didn't eat much of his food from yesterday which is why he gave him more today; shame he left the food in Mr Jimjim's hutch! Also we know our lovely boybunny is definately not well when he hasn't eaten his treat and it has been left in his hutch.....Something is really wrong.
I know there are many things wrong in the world, People dying, Maddy's parents being suspected of involvement of her death, (how I feel on that I'm not sure?), but all I care about is a six month old rabbit.
Fight Mr Jimjim and say "Hello" (Sorry joke we have in our house) to Lulu when you get home. We all love you very much and mistakes will never happen like this ever again.
Tuesday, September 04, 2007
Jane Tomlinson Rest In Peace
Monday, September 03, 2007
School Dinner Cheese Meltdown For Anyone?
The problem is it has only been two years and you can't expect teenagers to change their whole diet if all they have at home is junk food. My son who has only just left primary school also said that children were swapping to packed lunches and that included those entitled to free school meals because they wanted burgers!
What sort of society do we have when kids are dictating over their parents as to what they are going to eat? I'm not being funny here but I tell my kids what they are having for dinner and they eat it. If they don't eat it then there is nothing else till the next meal. Yes of course somtimes I make cheeseburgers but they are homemade ones and I know what is in them. My kids also sometimes eat sweets but not all of the time!
Sadly most kids seem to want to stuff their faces full of crap. I hope healthy meals continue because healthy hearts, brains and bodies are more important for their futures.
Saturday, September 01, 2007
Bad Night's Sleep But BRIAN won Big Brother 8
Friday, August 31, 2007
Goodnight Uncle Dave
The last time I saw him was at my mother's funeral and the time before that was at my father's funeral. I suppose the time before that was at his mother's funeral and then the time before that was at my grandmother's (his brother's wife) funeral.
He wasn't my biological great uncle but he and my Auntie Kath stood by my grandmother when his brother left her back in 1976. I've always thought of that side of the family as my real family as well as the rest of my huge family. Although I hardly see them it is lovely to know they are there.
My aunt (my biological uncle's wife this time) left a message on my answerphone on Wednesday evening. We had gone off to France for the day and that was a disaster in itself. The strange thing was I had cried practically all afternoon. I thought it was because everything that could had gone wrong did but maybe it was because I was picking up vibes? I've always felt emotions when someone close or a neighbour has passed so who knows? I collected the message and knew instantly something was very wrong. I know this sounds really horrible but I have relatives in Germany and there is one great aunt I adore. I had a terrible fear that it may have been her name and I didn't want it to be her. She and I share our birthdate and in a sick way I was quite relieved it wasn't her and grateful it was uncle Dave. I know that sounds horrible and I'm so sorry to say that but I have to get my thoughts out somehow. I feel so badly for my auntie Kath, they were such a wonderful couple. I'm also counting blessings that uncle Dave went quickly because apparently he did not know he was even ill and he had CANCER! True fact. He went to the hospital in agonizing pain at lunch time and by early evening they had taken him to the hospice....By 7.18pm, I had a message to say he had passed away.
I dreamt in the early hours of this morning about a man who had died but it was not my uncle? I don't know who it was but I was obviously close to him and it was a strange old dream for me. I had a good cry about it all yesterday and have had a good cry today......My emotions are different for uncle Dave compared to other relations because I'm grateful he left this world quickly and also he was a good man who led a good life. There are not many like him in this world.
If you have a good person around you, give them a good hug and thankful for them. If you are that person then give yourself a pat on the back.
We will celebrate your life and if you don't mind I will send a donation to the hospice in your name rather than flowers. I've decided this is a gift I'd like to do in honour of my parents from now on.
RIP Uncle Dave
Sunday, August 26, 2007
Lamb Chops and Shiblees
Friday, August 24, 2007
Maybe it is because it's a double eviction on Big Brother? Yes I am still addicted to the daft show which is becoming incredibly BORING this year. Tonight Kara-Louise who only went into the house four weeks ago will defo (oh Good I've turned into a BB housemate and started talking like them), going out tonight. The other housemate going out is highly likely to be Tracey who is an original from day one and goodness knows how she has lasted so far. Me thinks she thinks she will stay and Jonty who also came in with Kara-Louise will go but NO! Dear Jonty is a strange little man (I use the word little wisely as he flashed his manhood yesterday and it is not that much to flash around.) Problem is that Liam told him it was impressive and I worry for Liam and fear for him too as poor Liam may only have a teeny weener. Not really a shame as I don't like that man any more, he's changed into a bitchy whinger but back to Jonty, Jonty is an odd well spoken 36 year man who speaks to his teddybears and doesn't want a girlfriend or so he says. He's a nice enough man and should not put himself down.
Got to get off the smelling daughter wants to get on.
Thursday, August 23, 2007
Don't Think I'm Feeling Great
Not feeling too good as this infection I had two weeks ago in Sardinia is still hanging around. Me thinks me needs to speak to the GP? Will do that tomorrow as I feel like I ought to go to bed now.
So off I go to bed.
Tuesday, August 21, 2007
Monday, August 20, 2007
It has been a strange time since my last post on July 8th.
My internet has been playing up after buying a new router. I then could not even get my ethernet to work! I spoke to a lovely bloke this morning at my internet provider and guess what? All I had to do was pull the plug out of the modem for 10 seconds and then turn it back on. Yes that was all it needed to fix my internet. I could have been talking away to my friends and aquantances but no I was merrily thinking I had 'issues'.
That said it was lovely not having internet or should I say not being able to access it and we have agreed not to spend so much time on it and come off earlier in the evening too. I've spent more time with my daughter and that has been so nice as she is always talking to her friends and never me anymore. I've learnt more about her and she understands more about me. My son has always spent time with me and so that is not an issue here.
Do you want to hear about Sardinia? OK.
Beautiful if not dry, yellow tinged country. The older people are so friendly and greeted us in the evenings with a "Good Evening" (In Italian of course) but I must say we found the younger Sardinians rude and in a hurry to get everywhere fast. When driving, you would be 'beeped' if you stopped your car for a second longer than the driver behind deemed necessary. Parking was fun, if you found a spot, you had to park straight away as if you did not the car behind would jump in and nab that space! That said, we found little arguing so people accepted what was told.
FOOD! Ahhhhhhh
Now we Brits seem to think Italian pizzas have to come with French bagettes with garlic butter on them. NO THIS IS NOT TRUE. We are an odd breed us Brits. We saw NO garlic bread at all but bread was served with pasta only. Another special flat bread was also served which my kids loved and was easy to find in the supermarkets. The pizzas were bloody gigantic. I could never manage a whole pizza and at some point I will get a picture of the pizza on my blog but I am yet to send it here.....I'm useless I know. I'm still recovering from the holiday as I was very unwell the second week with a kidney/systemic infection. I cannot remember two days apart from having a raging headacheand high temp. I closed my eyes and slept and slept and on the third day as my head eased I managed to venture out onto a sunbed on our shady verandah. The following day after that was the last day of our holiday and I was desparate to get by the pool. I'd been told by the doctor to keep out of the sun so I stuck my legs in the sun and kept the rest in the shade; my legs were as white as ......polar bears (stupid analogy but I can't think of anything right now) and they still are. I had to spend a couple of days lying on the apartment bed during the first week and also the sunbeds were not comfy unless they had blankets on them; bit difficult that really by the pool!