Well jolly hockey sticks and lashings of rugger were the order of the day yesterday when we went to visit the favoured senior school my son wishes to go too.
We certainly felt comfortable with this enormous palace like building. We were shown around by a third former who I shall praise in a letter of thanks as he deserves a few mars bars from his house master, (a treat normally given for good Latin scores apparently). Our guide was a member of an exclusively day house however day boys can be members of boarding house which is what my son would like to do. Once he had viewed the differences between the day houses and boarding he had made his mind up.
We have found out that my son will be able to board overnight free of charge if he has a commitment which means he has to remain at the school till 9pm. This is for a House dinner for instance which they have regularly. My son is so excited about this as he fancies boarding now and then, once or twice but not all of the time. He'll be 13 and a half by then and much more mature too........ More of a teen!
I don't think it is the right school for my daughter and neither does she. She'd like to go to a co-ed school for sixthform and I'd agree with that so let's see what happens. I just hope she works over the next two years or goodness knows what will happen to her? I do worry.....She is a wonderful girl with a scatty but creative mind. She'll get there.
Bloody pain monster is crucifying me today. Obviously all of that walking yesterday just was too much. Pain meds and staying in bed all day have helped. Wireless broadband is a marvelous thing and it is not even mine; (that's a worry!!!!)
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