The beginning of this entry goes out to a very dear friend of mine who I did not get a moment to call last week who has become a grandmother for the second time last week. Welcome to the world little girl. I'm not giving details as too much info on the net is never a good thing is it? I have learnt not to divulge names nowadays because of nutcases who seem to think it is OK to make your life hell and the Internet is a great way to gain knowledge about you and your loved ones. Enough of that, congrats dear friend, love to you and your loved ones!
Life in the wiglet household has been rather difficult over the past few days and I'd rather not be living here. Yesterday was yet another confrontation with Mr Wiglet and it was a case of me telling him he MUST go back to counselling. The problem is he stopped at the point when he had opened the box full of all of his woes and now that box is open he cannot close it again yet he still does not know how to control his feelings about it? He is struggling emotionally, physically and in every which way you could imagine and I love him more than words can say but he is repeating a pattern of which his father set for him. He is causing so much pain in our family.......so much pain that he must have inside of him! I've been there so I know how he must be feeling and want him to feel better. He HAS to go back to counselling, whether it be with the same person he saw before or whether it be with someone new? I don't care as long as he deals with those demons which are destroying him.......He knows if he does not do this NOW our marriage is over. I don't know what marriage is half the time and is our marriage normal? If a marriage is when a couple love each other but at times hate each other then that is us. If a marriage is when we both want similar things but one of us has lost the emotional drive and one has lost the physical drive then that is us. It's an odd marriage and I just do not understand us? We have spoken to TWO counsellors together. One is our daughter's counsellor and one my old one some years ago and both say we are a perfect match but have issues to get through. My problem is I cannot sit back and watch my husband repeat that pattern again because it is destroying his relationship with his children; this in turn could cause this pattern to repeat again with the children with their own children.....I cannot let that happen. I don't know how many times I've cried about that. That's what makes me so angry and so upset in equal measure.
My head has been hurting for the past two weeks and it is hardly surprising is it? There is a virus floating about........Mind you my head always seems to get worse when the family is around!
Kids back at school on Monday. My son has been a breeze in general so fingers crossed it will stay that way. My daughter has been told to keep her room tidy or I told her I would make her wash all of her clothes again - EVERY SINGLE ITEM IN HER WARDROBES AND DRAWERS. She did not keep to the rules and so today I said; "Get your washing on".
Her mouth dropped.
I let her know if she cleared up she could stop washing and ironing so after THREE lots of washing she has successfully completed her job.
Me thinks she has got the message. (AHA!!!!!!!)
Head is a-hurting.