Its a very busy fortnight full of hospital appointments, the first one is on Thursday and it's with my Urologist. Of course silly planning means I have my cystoscopy the following Wednesday? Would have made sense to had made both appointments together or even the Urology appointment after but never mind, I will see the Urologist again in six months when I have my annual kidney scan! Then what appointment is next???? Oh yes, my assessment with the pain psychologist. I'm looking forward to that one. Has anyone reading this ever been to a pain psychologist? I'm hoping for good things from this but I know some people had poor experiences from it. I'll probably get put on a group programme which in some ways will be good for me. There is a part of me that would like to speak to someone one to one because that way I can take my time and if I can not make a week then I do not have to go. My pain is so different each day and I can't tell from moment to moment!!!!
So what other appointments do I have? My Neurosurgeon! Yes I am seeing my delightful NS in 2 weeks time and I'm looking forward to seeing him because it's been nearly 2 years. I last saw him in August 2004 and that was when he said that surgery might stop the pain deteriorating. It was his understudy (so to speak) that was determined that the surgery would get rid of much of my pain. I wish that these silly egotistical surgeons would not build up our hopes like this. I hadn't or should I say, I tried not to build up my hopes but there was a part of me that was secretly hopeful of a comfortable new life.......I'm still hopeful and I doubt that will ever go away.
I'm not feeling maudlin here, just honest.
Must finish my letter to centerparcs.....Oh I still need to tell that story don't I? Tomorrow then!
1 comment:
Just hoping for you that the appointments give you pain relief. I know what you mean with all the appointments. I am waking up in a swaet that I forgot to look at the calendar. One cancer diagnosis after another but in between appointments a long wait. Pain comes and goes as you describe so well. I told one doctor I don't know any more hoe to describe pain. As it if matters, sharp, dull, stabbing it is all of the above at times.
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