This is MY NEW HOME. (Oink oink) After much consideration, I have decided that the past belongs in a place I no longer want to visit. Why spend hours worrying over people I shouldn't be worrying over?
Why waste my time and energy and so.......Here is the new improved blog of me which I hope you will enjoy.
Lots of chatter and gossip as per usual but we all know the rule of gossip is its only good if it is true and doesn't hurt anyone. We are all friends here and maybe a few passing aquaintances may pop past and that's fine too. You can do that and have a giggle with the my tales. My old blog told of amazing stories and all true! Yes TRUE. I'm not afraid to name people and I'm going to set up a detective blog too and that one will have my more constructive work which helped me in the past. I say in the past because I don't need that anymore. I have discovered so much about so many who have caused so much hurt and anguish. Not for here though. The future is here and I am enjoying living in it.
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