...............................................................I'd been sort of feeling odd all day. I was ten days over due and the day before I had been to the hospital to have that delightful 'sweep' which some of us women will know about. Yes it helped induce labour! I had been trying the old wives tale (with the help of my husband!) of regular sex. We could say that ten days of regular sex obviously did the trick in the end but the truth was that we were exhausted by the time our second child hit the floor (and yes he nearly did).
8.11pm was when my second child, my only son was born. He weighed in at a staggering 8 pounds and 13 ounces and the whole labour was wonderfully quick to be completely honest. I'd had some pain during the day and a show the night before but the real bad pain started about 5pm and I shot into the bath by then. My midwife arrived at about 5.30pm after the pleas from my friend forced me into making that call. I had already called out the midwife earlier that day because I knew things were moving and that was only at 3pm. She said then that I was one centimetre dialated and it would be hours before anything happened......That same midwife then told my friend at 7.30pm that I had "A good few hours to go yet". That was as my friend walked out the door to go home and my husband walked in the door to take over the shift. I don't think my friend quite believed me when I phoned 40 minutes later and said "I've had him".
Now that part about my son hitting the floor? Yes......the midwife nearly dropped him as he was born so quickly. One push and out he shot, like a cork from a champagne bottle!!! My lad was eager to see the world and my parents were eager to see him. They were down from their house in 20 minutes and mum must have broken a few speed limits in the process.
We brought or should I say I brought my son his own mobile phone. He's had my old one for the last year and does not like it. His new one is so fabulous and does so many things. I only brought mine a few months ago and it's already out of date. My daughter who brought her own phone in June is also jealous and would like this phone - Oh dear! Kids hey.
At the moment my son is out with his friends at the cinema and is having burgers and chips on the way home. That's my concession for his birthday - JUNK FOOD. Ahhh, I don't mind it really.
Oh it's 7pm already? I've got one of these warm back supports on. It warms up as you wear it and it feels all snuggly. It costs rather a lot of money and so I can't see it being one of those items I'll buy regularly but if it helps then why not?
Off to watch the 'House of tiny tearaways'.......Ahhh remembering what they were like when they were little ones?
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