Friday, February 02, 2007

Now an underactive thyroid!

I've just spoken to my GP and if I didn't need another problem to add to my woes I've now got a thyroid issue to deal with. My acupuncturist told me that she felt acupuncture could deal with thyroid problems if caught early but obviously not for me. Here's a link to some info on Hypothyroidism.

Kids are home from school and no doubt my son will come home and ask to sleep at his mate's house. He always does on a Friday night. My daughter needs some time and energy spent on her as I spoke with her head of year yesterday and there are issues with her attitude towards work. She's self sabbotaging - I think that's the best way to discribe it? Her head of year is a great teacher and great with the kids too. I only phoned her because of something that happened for the past two days at lunch times and it needed to be dealt with and then of course she mentioned that she had tried to teach my daughter yesterday for the first tim in year nine. She'd taught her in year eight and year seven and my daughter was always eager to please but now she's more eager to play on her mobile phone in some lessons; (why arn't the teachers taking the phones away?) or brushing her hair! My daughter's head of year said it was such a shame as my daughter isn't naughty and she's a lovely girl - just silly!!!!
My son is a totally different personality but that said my daughter never lost a brand new school fleece a week after I had brought it! Yes the school are unable to locate it and I'm bloody angry. I asked my son if the children's fleeces were checed at school today seeing as they all have the same ones but he said NO. I'm not HAPPY!

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