Thursday, February 22, 2007

Ups and downs

That mouse! No, not that one?I wish it was mighty mouse! I could rub him out instead of knowing that another method of destruction was going to be bestowed upon the horrible little rodent. No I don't like them but I don't really want to see it dead either......But I don't want it as a pet like my friend has done with her one that lives under the stairs. The thought brings shudders down my spine (which do not do me any good whatsoever).
I've got to put a call out to Metijo and say YES I have your emails and I have sent you a reply and it's lovely to hear from you, ya mad Aussie! (Love n hugs too). Another hugfest to Anin who would actually I think hate the thought of gushy sentimentality but I think the fact that she knows I'm thinking about her will make her feel better about herself. I look up to her......Even though she's only 3 feet high! Raise The Roof 1 She got me through my spinal ops because she's had them too. I have other friends who have also had TCS surgery and they played their own unique parts too and I'll be honest and say it often, I'm a lucky girl to have such brilliant friends. The thing is I hate to think of any of them feeling down and as long as I am able to do something I will try and help. If I'm in that black hole of depression then I can do bugger ! However I can 'think positive thoughts'
A couple of other points, my 'new' google email is rubbish and I've decided not to go with them after all. Everyone has my 'old' email addy but I will be sending out my alternative one as well.....I'm pretty tired today and don't know how my emails will be as I'm falling asleep typing quite a bit so lotsssssssssss of thisssssssssssss (lol). No sleep due to the bl***y mouse but hopefully it will find my daughter's bedroom and if so she'll realise SHE MUST TIDY IT! ........I owe loads of emails yet again and I bet people think I've become stuck to something in that daughter of mine's bedroom? Actually that could happen - It's vile enough.......

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