Took our two kidlets on Monday evening who joined the packed out audience who were all enthralled by a brilliant show. Of course we gave a standing ovation to the young lad who played Billy Elliott and I must say his young collegue who played Michael too! What a future little star he is going to be too. In fact all the children who performed were stars and the adults were pretty good too.
I haven't stayed in London for few years and we have never stayed overnight with the children and the hotel wasn't too bad. It was one I found on the net and I got a good deal on the room. We enjoyed some family time and yes of course my teenage loved one played up and drove us mad but she wouldn't be loved as much as she is if she didn't play up......I wish she'd behave though as it is driving me crazy right now. Anyone reading this who has a loved one who is driving them up the walls with their poor behaviour but yet adores them at the same time knows how hard life is with them.......Yet knows how much they love them!
Home now and bac to norm....."SO shut up that noise for gods sake" and Oh hell my back aches!
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