She was terrified this morning and in tears with earache in the opposite ear to the one which normally plagues her. A couple of ibuprofen, rescue remedy and omega oils later and she was feeling a bit better. I also gave her one of those mum hugs that only mums can give, cried myself because I couldn't stop myself and told her I don't care what grade she gets. She achieved a C at the weekend so if she does not get that today then so what, she's capable of it and can get that next time (if not higher). I've also emailed her school and asked her form tutor to call me as there are another couple of issues that I need to discuss with her. I have written half a letter to her to discuss what has been going on in my daughter's head.......The thing is that this is all so personal and difficult to write about.
So GP on Thursday and maybe it is psycho-somatic? Maybe it's ear wax!
I'll let you know Friday.
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