SO moving on from morbidity, today's list is names of those who yes have sadly have passed but who have left inspiration for everyone around them. (See yesterday's names also because obviously there are some names there too that are truly inspirational too)
Alex Hall, Real life Billy Elliott. 16 year old talented dancer Alex was diagnosed with cancer last Christmas. He didn't want to tell his parents so not to spoil their Christmas but sadly his bone cancer spread and he a week before Christmas 2007.
Phil O'Donnell, 35 year old Motherwell captain and soccer player to my American friends, who was happily playing the game he loved on Saturday only to have a massive heart attack half way through the match. Nothing could save him.
Oscar Peterson, the great 72 year old jazz pianist. His loss is great to the music world.
Hryhoriy Nestor, at 116 this Ukrainian who passed this year proves that borrowed time is longer than some than for others.
My neighbour, aged 65. He was left with a permanent mental impairment after a workplace accident some years ago. His mother and then when she died, his elderly aunt, became his lifelong companion. He led an amazing life.
Edna Steeles, who died aged 102. A true charactor! There are not many of those around nowadays are there and now another has gone.
Kenneth Wells, Grimsby Market trader Kenneth who raised money for charity and "Who you could always trust to give you an honest opinion" died last year. He was a kind and caring man.
Mary O'Mahoney, a ward counsellor and 'good samaritan' also lost her battle with cancer this year. She had thought that battle for over 30 years.
Mary Cunliffe, 81 year old campaigner and Torbay's Mother Theresa who was going to be nominated for an OBE next year for her inspirational work which had inproved so many lives.
Peter Orton, who was the TV executive who brought us Bob the Builder! Yes it takes all sorts to make this list.
Jack Sadler and ALL the soldiers killed in action last year. Trooper Sadler was in the TAs and was only 21 when he was killed in Iraq. Most of our soldiers may be home from Basra but alas they are being sent to Afganistan.........
Evel Knievel, who finally lost his battle againt everything. He stopped jumping cars, tigar, Grand Canyons etc some years ago but this left his body in pieces. Does this make him a legend? Yes to me he was back then. To my son he is a very foolish man.
Verity Lambert, 71 Dr Who's first female producer. She was the producer who decided to include the Dalek characters all those years ago. What would have happened if she did not do that?
Mike Gregory, 43. GB rugby captain who lost his battle from a form of motor neurone disease.
Vanessa Kyte who was also 43 when she passed away from cancer. She was less well known than Jane Tomlinson who also lost her battle with cancer this year but Vanessa fought for seven years as Jane did and raised thousands of pounds for charity too. Melanie Waite also lost her life to breast cancer after handing in a 35,000 name petition to get Herceptin given to all patients who need it. Fundraiser Liz Aldridge, set up 'Relay for Life' in 2006 which has now netted thousands of pounds. She died of liver cancer which had spread from her breast in October
John Averis, Ian Reid, Ashley Stephens, Darren Yates-Badley - The four firefighters killed tackling a huge warehouse fire.
Sri Chimnoy, Guru who taught religious tolerance and the spiritual value of physical activity. Sounds good to me.
Anita Roddick, Body Shop Founder. Good old Anita founded her first shop in Brighton all those years ago and started something fantastic. May she rest in peace.
Tony Wilson, who was the music producer who's name I admit I could not place but who's face I recalled immediately. Think back some years to when Manchester bands dominated the music scene and 'Mr Manchester' as he was known had a huge influence.
Mohammed Zahir Shah, who died in July, aged 92 was a former King of Afghanistan who ruled over his country for forty years during one of its more peaceful periods.
Jim Cronin, 55 year old Jim died in March this year. He was the passionate conservationist who created ‘Monkey World’ in Dorset a place we as a family have visited many a time. We've seen him around the place a couple of times only maybe because he was so busy around other sides of the globe. He will be yet another sadly missed.
All RAF who have lost their lives last year.
Here endeth my list. I'm tired and hurt and need my bed but after going through some of those names feel great to be alive.
Off to give those I love a kiss.
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