Thursday, November 15, 2007

Confidence Is All That Was Needed

My daughter......My clever, clever daughter......has made the school swimming team!

So the PE teacher thought she was going to fail PE did she? (This is what she told my daughter but something I was unaware of when I spoke with her last week).

My daughter is swimming in an away gala against another school today and is nervous but happy. She didn't want to be in the squad if the truth be known; "Who wants to be one of the popular gang, not me" she quoted......But I wonder if she really does? We all want to be popular at 14 don't we? It is a hard life being a teenager.

As for me? I have a cold on the way. Acupuncture this morning has hopefully helped to stop it coming out fully or stopped it from being too horrendous., we shall have to wait and see on that score. The pain monster? He's here and sitting on me. I've taken some - no lots of drugs to stuper him and yet the bugger is still beating me. He is a strong devil!!!!!

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