Saturday, November 10, 2007

Maybe This Is A Turning Point?

We had daughter's parents evening on Thursday. Lots of changeever since........

I had a good chat with her this morning and today is a good day to talk about what has gone on since Thursday eve. To start with it is good to say that ALL of her teachers have said her homework has improved and it is now being handed in! WOW, that is an amazing effort on her behalf. The second point to state is my daughter is on course to achieve at least 'C' in every single subject alas this is where the but comes in. She is not applying herself fully because her self asteem is getting in the way. Most of her teachers have spotted this and are on top of this. Her form tutor is brilliant I must add and we can talk to her about everything; her English teacher is also topform. She is another teacher we would like to speak to or should I say add a little further information too because she asked why my daughter has such problems with her self esteem and I do not feel it is right nor proper to speak in front of my daugher like this. I would like to speak to my daughter's form tutor and let her know we have tried to get her to speak to a councillor without any luck so far. She will be ready one day. We are still seeing that councillor and she's great. Yesterday I asked her if we could re-refer in the future or have we had our chance? Yes, we can re-refer at any time. This is great news for us.

(Phone rang and had to disappear off for a while)

I had a good chat with my daughter this morning and we talked about everything and anything. We talked about how she was feeling about home and how she felt about us as parents and how things had been at home. She is much happier and feels that both I and my husband are in her words "friendlier and nicer". We must have been ogres before! Or maybe that is how we deemed to be to her? I'm glad we are putting in boundries for her or should I say my husband is now on board because this is working. The parents evening was not too dire, only the PE teacher was not the best. She felt she had not clicked with my daugther and I felt she was a little rude towards her! In the end I defended my daughter and pointed out that my daughter's previous reports ALWAYS were exemplery in PE Never a bad word in this subject and so possibly it is not the subject but something else going on? Sometimes people have to take resonsibility and it is not always the child who is in the wrong. We then went on to speak to a fabulous art teacher who told us our daughter was a brilliant artist and was on course for achieving at LEAST a C but if only she could stop drifting off! Her teacher said the possibility is there of an A as did every single other teacher!!!! Oh I lie.....The bloody PE teacher didn't say that, in fact she told my daughter in a lesson that she was going to fail the subject and that no girl had ever failed PE with her before! I do not think very much of her tactics considering this is a school were they are trying to build up my daughter's confidence.

All in all, the teachers are doing a great job (bar an exception with poor communication). We hope to be able to speak to a couple and fill them in on a few issues to help them understand our daughter more. Hope that helps her. At home we will do our best to help her and the teachers are doing their best for her. The physics teacher even offered extra support in his lunch hour where he already has a couple of other pupils seeing him. He was a decent teacher......Great staff there.

Positive evening. Hopeful for the future, lets see what happens?

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