Thursday, October 26, 2006

Detective Pigletwiglet

I'm opening up a new blog today to run along side with this one and you can read it if you wish. It will contain my ramblings about those I have found out about and how I found out about them WITHOUT giving away too many secrets!!!! Sherlock

I want this new blog to go back to what it was as I found it hard to speak at the old one. I found it hard to speak freely and had to talk in riddles so that I did not hurt people by disclosing what they were doing, eg falsly claiming they had an illness etc. Detective Pigletwiglet will talk there about my feelings too because I still need an outlet even now. Feeling BlueIt is impossible for me to allow someone to come into my life and then let go of that person. I've not gone back to her blog because I know it will be full of malice and bitch-full-ness (that should be a word!). I am grateful for the friends I have discovered via the cyber airways and thankfully it out numbers the false friendships.

I've got a letter to write and I haven't even had a chance to speak about it here. I must talk about it tomorrow - Yes I shall make sure I give it a whole blog entry. It deserves it!

Tomorrow then.

PS is the link to Detective pgt's blog. Do NOT read it if you don't want to hear about the stuff and nonsense of how cyber stalkers mess with people. It's there for me.

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