Sunday, April 20, 2008


Personal blog entry.

I need a rant. I've had a day from hell with both my little darlings kicking off and sometimes I feel like I'm alone in being a parent. I know I have my husband and we decided to call a 'family meeting' this afternoon and laid down some new ground rules and expressed our anger.....But again my son has just kicked off.

He's twelve and his own anger is manifesting itself into near violent attacks on his dad and it will not be long before he thumps his dad. His dad is sensible enough to realise that this is a silly little boy trying to deal with hormones and emotions however WHY should my husband have to tolerate this and WHY should HE tolerate this sort of behaviour from our own son? Our son has the hump big time with me because I'm refusing to back down and sticking with my husband. We cannot allow the children to run rings around us and I've had enough of their rude, obnoxious behaviour.

Tonight we told the kids they could have an early night which our 14 year old daughter accepted without any problem but our son yet again reacted with disgraceful disgruntled angst. Here we go again...........

He had been grounded all day and had been trying to manipulate me all day and I'd had to ask hubby for support with that one. I knew I'd succomb as I'm a soft touch with our lad and that may be why he sometimes over-reacts. It could just be that he is growing up! So it was an early night for both kids and our son raged, kicked and yelled and allegedly my husband pushed him? They need to talk with each other before their relationship degenerates any further.

Being a parent is never easy is it? But every weekend my son has something to be angry about and it is driving me crazy. It pushes my pain levels up as my muscles cramp up too.

Tomorrow is another day.......

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