Old story but when I found out about a person who I thought I was close to but with had in fact lied about having cancer, I signed up to a detective organisation. In the states there are so many PI websites and lots of them have incorrect information about people and you have to sift out what is accurate and what is not or you could be accusing people of something that is totally untrue. Of course having friends who can phone up and confirm facts is helpful but to then find out this lier was falsifying documents and putting them on her blog! It became a farce and I withdrew with dignity and allowed her to play her game after all she was doing it before I came along wasn't she? I also found out though that a woman who had stalked me and set up an email account with my old forum user name was in fact making her own stories up about herself. She had stated that there was a woman who had moved in with her and her husband and then stolen from her but I found legal documentation which appeared to confirm that SHE was not even married and was a woman who had moved in with a married couple who had moved away from the state she lives in?
So homework is the only answer or at least I found that was the way I had to deal with it. I hated it and that's why I have withdrawn.
Trying to do some work on the website today. Fingers crossed.
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