Our daughter is now going to spend the day at the school on Monday and see how she feels about it? She's decided to get her entrance test out of the way on the same day but we've been told that she's got a pleace anyway and not to worry. The test is more about where to place her when she's in the school after Easter - Yes she'll be starting after EASTER and we're not waiting till September for more damage to be done. We've also found out that we can get an Assisted Place and this will reduce the cost down enormously. Thank goodness.
We spoke to the Bursar and he told us that this was the most unsnobby private school that he knew and it was great for "The likes of US" meaning us and him because at least we all could access private education where as some schools were out of our reach. To be honest we would pay no matter what but we wanted a discount and we were going to get it. The Assisted place will reduce the cost by nearly a half and that will be such a great help for the next two years (and a term). We now have to find another £350 for the uniform and then it's the extra £167 for the school minibus. We don't mind paying for that as it means we don't have to worry about getting our daughter to school. What was really odd was our daughter didn't flinch when she heard how long the school day was? They start at 8.30am, lessons with a break at about ten-ish and then lunch at one all included in the price. The food sounds scrummy and lots of selection for the girls. There's a couple of lunch time clubs including a jazz club which the headmistress had my daughter earmarked for with her clarinet playing. Then at 2pm it's more classes but for instance one afternoon a week girls have a whole afternoon of sport. On Thursdays it's year 11's turn. My daughter is going to be doing this on Monday - Sport afternoon and hopefully it's trampolining or if it's hockey she'll probably cry. 4pm is the end of school day officially but most girls do not go home then and apparently there was a furore with parents of the girls who came home by minibus at 4pm because they were missng out on everything. So now the minibus goes home later and the minibus girls have tea at 4pm with the boarders - Just a light snack! Other girls can do this too if they are staying for a club. After their snack, they have clubs whch are varied and many. If she's not doing a club then they have 'Prep' rooms which I've now learnt is homework! I guess I shall have to learn these new terms. My daughter will not get home until 6pm and it will be a long day for her to get used too. She's had to change one of her GCSE options but she's been told to try the subjects out and see how she feels because she can always change again if she's not happy.
I never thought I'd be sending my child into the private world of education but she's excited about it and looking forward to it and she never felt like that about her old school? Maybe this is what is right for her?

We'll soon find out on Monday.
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