Friday, March 02, 2007


Terrible forces of nature have left many dead in America today. I only spoke to a friend a couple of days ago who told me how snow had left the vast majority of the state that she lives in under a state of emergency. I've talked more about the tornados on my bigmouth but it's an overspill to the journal because I know so many people who live Stateside.

I used to speak to a person who claimed to live Georgia? Because she suddenly disappeared when I found out about other people who were not who they claimed to be, I now know she did not really exist. She was a woman who claimed to have things wrong but then never backed them up with information. We all meet them in life and sadly the Ms Rocks in life are more abundunt in life now that the internet is around. We can hide behind a computer that does not need to show our faces and make up photos from ones which are plentiful in cyberworld.

My pain levels are right up today and I know why. It's my son's assessment with a counselor today and then my daughter and my first session with our counselor! I'm not particularly worried about it as I've experienced counseling before so why the pain is higher is beyond me? I had wanted to go out this morning but there is no way I want to move right now. I'm thinking of postponing my son's appointment as it's at midday (or there abouts) where as the second one of the day is at 5pm. I can handle that.

********OH GOOD NEWS************

This happens to be the same school that my daughter goes to which his highly over subscribed so obviously very very popular. The school has sent a whole load of 'gumph', pieces of paper to fill in - locker forms, pupil/parent/school contract (which I NEVER sign as I do not agree with as I expect my children to behave and do not expect to sign a piece of paper to say they will!) so I now have writers cramp (he he) but happy to have what I expected to recieve.

I think I need to lie back a bit though as I'm sitting in my bed and I hurt so much today. If I'm going to manage to get to this counseling session later then I need all the help I can get. I'd hoped that the letter (package weighing half a ton!) would cheer my pain away but no it's still here. I need som help today and lots of Oramorph I think? What has put a smile on my face is a friend in OZ has sent some pics of her grandson and I might just stick one on my blog because anyone who is feeling sad would undoubtably be cheered to see his little face light up their world (and she's said I could post his pic before so I guess I'm allowed!)

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