Wednesday, March 07, 2007

Very proud

Hi all,

Go and read BIGMOUTH if you haven't already. I'm showing off really but I like that entry today more than usual as it's personal to many of my friends and I know you read here. So many of us suffer with chronic pain and it is an issue close to my own heart (not that I have used the drug concerned).

Today is recovery day and I feel OK although my head was crashing this morning; every movement made me feel sick and I still have that thud when I move. I've not been able to add much to my website today because of it and I set myself high targets and it bugs me when I can't do what I set out to do. Tomorrow is another busy but enjoyable one with hydrotherapy with the 'Thursday belles' We love meeting at the pool where we chat about all sorts including our men, our children and our bowels! Farting is actually very comical and can iunduce a lot of laughter when you are feeling rough and if one of use is feeling down another one of the girls will bring that person up. Acupuncture will follow - Ahhhh I can't wait because I need this baaaaaad (Have I turned into a sheep? lol) Then a break followed by a governors meeting and a GP appointment where I need to talk about bowels and gallbladder. That is going to be embarressing. Needs to be done and I cannot put it odd any longer.

Wish me luck.

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