So I shall share this with you all, you lucky lot:-
After no dates or sex for five years a woman goes to see a Chinese Sex Therapist Dr Chang. He said to her;
So the lady does this. "OK, craw, reery, reery fas bac". As she did Dr Chang shook his head.
"You problem vewy vewy bad. Wose case of Ed Zachery disease I ever see. Dat why you get no date"
What is Ed Zachery Disease?" says the confused and worried woman.
"It is when your face look Ed Zachery like your arse"
I have a big piece of blurb on my website about laughter releasing endorphines and if that's the case it should still be working but the monster is stronger. I've has some very good days but alas now I'm under it's thumb again. The weather has turned again and it could be the sudden cold? I have no idea what it is however I wish it would stop. I wanted to complete the letters to my daughter's current school today. There is one which is going to be sent to the Headteacher and one to go to the Head of Year. The one to the Hedteacher will tell it how it is and be honest and tell him what I think of certain aspects of the school and how it needs to improve. The letter to the Head of Year will also be honest but no need for improvement because the Head of Year has been more than helpful as well as being an excellent teacher.
Feeling very grotty so signing off for tonight. Hate the weather - Yes it is it's fault. It has turned cold again and this always happens.
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