American Idol gives back was an odd affair this year.
There was an elimination for a start and what an elimination! Ryan Seacrest made a complete tit of himself with the words he used and he could have been more gallant. Michael ‘the aussie’ Johns was brutally booted out by Seacrest and anyone would had thought there was something going on between the two? Butch sexual chemistry? No……I think not. Michael was never going to win however he was not the right one to go yet. Funny Americans, must had been put off by the weird video from Mr Brown.
And what an odd affair to see a sanitised, gleaming white teethed, hair strictly combed, Gordon

In this pre-recorded video he promised to buy 20 million mosquito nets for malaria-hit countries. And said; “there was "nothing more amazing than saving a life". He went on to say; "All year on Idol, it's the talent of the American people we admire. But tonight, it's your generosity." And thanks to Mr Brown; "all families could sleep safe at night".
He’s such a nice bloke isn’t he?........What about OUR FAMILIES MR BROWN?
He ended his blurb with a sickly but All-American ending of "Thank you and God bless you all." Could you imagine if he did that in the UK? …..Standing in the Houses of Parliament while arguing with the tories and finished his dialogue with….”Oh BTW thank you and God bless you all." Yeah right.
Now let us look into this offer from Mr Blair sorry Brown…..I forget Mr Blair is no longer in charge sometimes. You’ve said you hope other world leaders will follow your example. Wow, you’re fantastic, we are in a recession, house prices have dropped 10% this year, one bank has had to be nationalised already and you think it is fine to give away 20 million mosquito nets to the value of 120 million pounds?
What about those families living in B&Bs because there is nothing out there for them?
While I appreciate they at least have a place to put their heads, a lot of those families do not have a place to stay during the day. To them that is like not living. We all have our own personal suffering and I wonder if Mr Brown forgets about us and thinks about the US (of A) instead.
We have seen a lot of the families on the Dewsbury Moor estate and I would not want to always pick on them however you can see there is a perfect example of an area which needs finances to improve their surroundings and financial support to help it build up its self pride. There are many Dewsbury Moor Estates in OUR COUNTRY MR BROWN.
Why were you on American Idol? (That US (of A) thing again....
Was this more of a publicity hunt…..if so, I feel ashamed to be British right now. I think it is great to support those in need but we have our own charities which help African countries; why could Mr Brown not give the mosquito nets to those charities?
Instead he chose to pick American Idol where actually his pre-recorded slush kicked out Clinton, Obama and the other one so that was some sort of coo. App
arently the American presidential candidates hade made their videos which were supposed to be shown on the same night as Brown’s but they were booted to the following night's show!
Now let us look into this offer from Mr Blair sorry Brown…..I forget Mr Blair is no longer in charge sometimes. You’ve said you hope other world leaders will follow your example. Wow, you’re fantastic, we are in a recession, house prices have dropped 10% this year, one bank has had to be nationalised already and you think it is fine to give away 20 million mosquito nets to the value of 120 million pounds?
What about those families living in B&Bs because there is nothing out there for them?
While I appreciate they at least have a place to put their heads, a lot of those families do not have a place to stay during the day. To them that is like not living. We all have our own personal suffering and I wonder if Mr Brown forgets about us and thinks about the US (of A) instead.
We have seen a lot of the families on the Dewsbury Moor estate and I would not want to always pick on them however you can see there is a perfect example of an area which needs finances to improve their surroundings and financial support to help it build up its self pride. There are many Dewsbury Moor Estates in OUR COUNTRY MR BROWN.
Why were you on American Idol? (That US (of A) thing again....
Was this more of a publicity hunt…..if so, I feel ashamed to be British right now. I think it is great to support those in need but we have our own charities which help African countries; why could Mr Brown not give the mosquito nets to those charities?
Instead he chose to pick American Idol where actually his pre-recorded slush kicked out Clinton, Obama and the other one so that was some sort of coo. App

We all know they had only made these vid’s to try and bring in the ‘young’ voters and I think it is a vile game but the Yanks play it well. (No offence to any of my American friends but you have the upper hand on us although we are catching up fast).
Brown, you looked a buffoon. I feel ashamed, not proud to be British.

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