The Queen’s 86-year-old husband, Prince Philip, been taken to hospital with a chest infection, Buckingham Palace said on Friday.
Seems a bad cold has got the better of him and turned into a chest infection. For the lucky Duke of Edinburgh, a bed has been found at a nice private hospital – The King Edward VII Hospital in central London where he is undergoing ‘assessment and treatment’ for his condition.
Seems a bad cold has got the better of him and turned into a chest infection. For the lucky Duke of Edinburgh, a bed has been found at a nice private hospital – The King Edward VII Hospital in central London where he is undergoing ‘assessment and treatment’ for his condition.
He is still able to get on with his correspondence and do all the things Dukes of Edinburgh’s normally do. No information as to when he will be leaving the hospital – he arrived on Thursday skipping up the steps…..No not really I made that bit up but this story makes me angry. How many elderly people do you know who get ‘chest infections’ manage to get admitted to hospital?It is a joke and so is the hospital system in this country which the senior members of the royal family never experience.
I have two friends who both have spinal conditions, one is suing her surgeon and now worried she will not be able to find another surgeon to treat her. She is in dire need and was told by the surgeon who she is suing that nothing more could be done – Not the reason she is sui
ng I would add, the reason is because he operated and left a screw in the wrong place and it now touching her spinal cord. This has possibly been the reason why her bowel has failed (literally) and she has had to have it removed, why her uterus and her bladder prolapsed and why she is in so much pain. The man who operated on my friend makes me so angry. She is a lovely lady and does not deserve what she is going through but is determined and I don’t think many people know what she suffers each day because she is stoical.
My other friend was supposed to have had major spinal surgery this month to replace fusion of her lumbar spine. She also needed new fusion slightly above and had seen a new surgeon who had told her the surgery would help her pain and would make her more mobile. She had actually seen THREE surgeons but one retired and one emigrated. The new one sounds fantastic but the only problem is that all of her scans have gone missing. The hospital had mucked up in the first place and she had to go up to London from her home 85 miles away each of the four times for the four different scans. The new chap was incredibly apologetic b
ut that does not make up for the fact that my friend has to make those trips again. Her surgeon sent his registrar off to try and organise the scans and x-rays off to be done
for the same day and while she was there she had one normal x-ray which indicated her fusion had broken. This may have happened last year when someone crashed into her or it could have been this way for some time which explains her pain for the five years I’ve known her…..She’s had the fusion just over six years and with all the delays and losses of scans, this is the second time this has happened, this friend is also considering legal action, but not until after she eventually has her operation.
I have two friends who both have spinal conditions, one is suing her surgeon and now worried she will not be able to find another surgeon to treat her. She is in dire need and was told by the surgeon who she is suing that nothing more could be done – Not the reason she is sui

My other friend was supposed to have had major spinal surgery this month to replace fusion of her lumbar spine. She also needed new fusion slightly above and had seen a new surgeon who had told her the surgery would help her pain and would make her more mobile. She had actually seen THREE surgeons but one retired and one emigrated. The new one sounds fantastic but the only problem is that all of her scans have gone missing. The hospital had mucked up in the first place and she had to go up to London from her home 85 miles away each of the four times for the four different scans. The new chap was incredibly apologetic b

My second friend’s surgeon has told her that he is willing to come in on a Saturday to complete her surgery just to expedite matters. He was as hacked off with the NHS as she was but does not have to live with chronic pain. He was more honest about her outcome than the last surgeon…..I hope though that her life improves, she deserves it but back to the health service; my urologist is also sick of the NHS, and that reminds me I should have heard from him by now? I was supposed to have had this medical procedure but have heard nothing since seeing him last November. Do you think my notes have gone
missing again? This has happened so many times - I’ve lost count!
I have to see a variety of doctors because of my medical condition and when I came to see the latest bowel doc at first the hospital claimed to have lost my GP’s referral letter! I found this out because I telephoned the hospital after three months of not hearing anything and after a friend said, “Oh now not that hospital, you’d better phone because I had to and they said my GP had not written to them”. I could have laughed when I was told the same thing. The next medical issue with THAT hospital was that they supposedly wrote to me with a hospital appointment but I never received a thing? You can imagine my horror/anger/frustration, when I received a letter telling me I had MISSED my appointment and was to be put to the back of the list. Bugger that! I telephoned and made sure I spoke to a senior person again as I had been speaking to senior people all along the way and was sent another appointment within two weeks with a different bowel doc. I thought I was seeing a reputable surgeon who I looked up on dr fosters and was happy to see him. I went along and was told come back in six months. Next thing, I received another appointment three months later with the same surgeon …….or so I thought? I turned up and found out it was a totally different man also this bowel doc wasn’t a bowel doc but a stomach doc and so my search had to start again. He also diagnosed me with something I already have did not even put his hands on my stomach to see where my pain was?
So do I trust that man – NO.
I’m feeling absolutely abysmal right now. I took my daughter out shopping this morning and we were gone for just over an hour and my legs were like jelly. I’m now headache-y and feeling very nauseous so possibly feeling very sorry for myself. I can’t believe I feel so bad just because I went out and had a good time. So maybe I’m feeling more resentful about why some people who have money can have a magical hospital system and those whoe can’t have to put up with the cr*p.
The NHS system was set up for everyone but it is dying.

I have to see a variety of doctors because of my medical condition and when I came to see the latest bowel doc at first the hospital claimed to have lost my GP’s referral letter! I found this out because I telephoned the hospital after three months of not hearing anything and after a friend said, “Oh now not that hospital, you’d better phone because I had to and they said my GP had not written to them”. I could have laughed when I was told the same thing. The next medical issue with THAT hospital was that they supposedly wrote to me with a hospital appointment but I never received a thing? You can imagine my horror/anger/frustration, when I received a letter telling me I had MISSED my appointment and was to be put to the back of the list. Bugger that! I telephoned and made sure I spoke to a senior person again as I had been speaking to senior people all along the way and was sent another appointment within two weeks with a different bowel doc. I thought I was seeing a reputable surgeon who I looked up on dr fosters and was happy to see him. I went along and was told come back in six months. Next thing, I received another appointment three months later with the same surgeon …….or so I thought? I turned up and found out it was a totally different man also this bowel doc wasn’t a bowel doc but a stomach doc and so my search had to start again. He also diagnosed me with something I already have did not even put his hands on my stomach to see where my pain was?
So do I trust that man – NO.

The NHS system was set up for everyone but it is dying.
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