Wednesday, April 16, 2008

That's Snot Good Enough!

David Cameron was down near where I live on the coast in Hastings today but that’s not why I am annoyed. Nor am I annoyed because a cheeky 15-year-old lad Kingsley Cardi (probably not his real name and if it is, what were his parents thinking?), wiped snot on his dashingly dazzling black suit; in fact that makes in laugh.

What makes me bloody angry is that the lad was arrested and given a police caution, yet if David Cameron was anyone else the police would have likely to had done NOTHING.

Cameron was down in the East Sussex seaside town trying to drum up support for the local tory candidate Amber Rudd and help launch it's new manifesto

Hastings has had a large amount of money spent on it to regenerate the place from the tatty town it has been for many years to a splendid settlement the government wants it to be. It has more work to get it there.

In the 2001 census, 18% of Hastings residents of working age, have a limiting long term illness, whereas the national average statistic is at 11%. The average life expectancy is lower for both male and femalein Hastings Town, GCSE pass rates A-C are lower than the national average although improving like every other authority……Need I go on?

In 2005, the local Hastings community put safety as priority so it is good to see local bobbies have got a handle on snotty teenagers. A beat officer who today caught the ‘shame faced teen’ apparently told him;“I don’t care whether he’s Tory leader or what - you go up to him and apologise.” What if he had just mugged an old woman? I know it is a different scenario and I am not saying that youth was a mugger…….just statistics…..and crime clean ups…..not bogey clean ups.

Cameron quickly wiped off the snot affair which I have dwelled on and talked to locals about local issues telling them; "I love Hastings, and it's a beautiful summers day. There has been lots of people coming to have a chat."
"It's a very competitive election ground and it will be a very exciting election."
He then went on to tell them to; "Vote for anyone but the British National Party (BNP)" and added; "They are the enemy of democracy. The BNP is just a despicable party."

Cameron prefers Labour then?

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