It was time to say adios to Simon last night and actually you knew he was going right from the start.
His team treated him poorly and the majority hung him out to dry, the only decent member being Sada and maybe ……that funny dancing bad singing one, forget his name? Is it David or Paul or Stephan?
Bitch Jenny was being less of a bitch until she reached the boardroom. Her eyes lit up with an evil glint when she saw the opportunity to get rid of Claire who herself is terribly annoying. Will she ever shut up! She reminds me of a more stupid version of Saira Khan who has of course done remarkably well on the back of The Apprentice.
Simon Smith was forth out and quite right I believe, but Claire was close behind and was nearly out the d

For the first time in the series, the teams were mixed up combining the girls and boys in a weird cocktail and nothing like a Pina Colada. Sir Alan hoped this might stop the in-house fighting. He was forgetting that Lucinda-Pillsberry-P
urple-Tweed-Wacky-Buttersworth-Hencklewhite-Smyth has victim written on her forehead and as such plays the role well. I don’t mean to be cruel and I know she is being bullied nevertheless, she is an adult and therefore needs to realise that as an adult she must learn to stop putting herself in that role. She is after all an intelligent woman (allegedly but yet to show any signs of this) and I would had thought she had sought counselling to help strengthen her inner being so to speak?

But back to our main man today - Simon who showed himself to be an excellent second in command man but a terrible leader. The task was easy, or so Simon thought; it was to take photos of 'orange' customers at Bluewater, the largest shopping mall in the UK and flog the photos and other goodies for as much money as they could. Sir Alan appeared to have a soft spot for our excellent second in command man, however, there are no soft spots in business and

"Your Fired".
Why Team Renaissance cocked up and make a loss?
Simon felt he was “making people smile” with his “David Bailey” photographic brilliance but alas Alex and Claire were sneakily sabotaging behind the scenes with their stupidity and lack of knowledge of how a memory card on a computer works. They would not admit that they were 'sabotaging' but it amounts to that. There were people there to ask.
Team Renaissance's theme was 'glamour' whereas Team Alpha's theme was sport and Lee McQueen photographed lots of willing volunteers with their Beckam look-a-like. Shame Team Alpha also were so frustratingly slow and 'Lucindalingly' poor when it came to computers and memory cards. It amazed me how these so called brilliant minds could not deal with a memory card yet they were going for a job with a man who started AMSTRAD!
Simon felt he was “making people smile” with his “David Bailey” photographic brilliance but alas Alex and Claire were sneakily sabotaging behind the scenes with their stupidity and lack of knowledge of how a memory card on a computer works. They would not admit that they were 'sabotaging' but it amounts to that. There were people there to ask.

Yesterday we saw Helene, project manager of Team Alpha, pick on Lucinda Funny-Hat-Wearing-Person, and I expected better of helene. I liked Her and still do but why did she behave in such a way? It was almost as though she was trying to make Lucinda look worse than her but in the end she only made a fool of herself?
Lucinda had explained that she did not understand computers and could not even understand her own telephone so why project manager Helene put Lucinda in charge of……THE COMPUTER was beyond me? Helene and Lucinda were trained up to use the computer technical equipment which apparently the technical man said his little grandkids could use, still, Helene sat at a desk ignoring Lucinda's cries for help and decided not to shuffle her team around. Me wonders and so did Sir Alan and his team if Helene did what she did to get rid of Lucinda and OF COURSE SHE DID! This is our soap opera though isn't it? There's the single mum, the dipsy one, the bitch, the schemer, the one that sleeps around etc....... Take your pick as to who you think is who!
Lucinda had explained that she did not understand computers and could not even understand her own telephone so why project manager Helene put Lucinda in charge of……THE COMPUTER was beyond me? Helene and Lucinda were trained up to use the computer technical equipment which apparently the technical man said his little grandkids could use, still, Helene sat at a desk ignoring Lucinda's cries for help and decided not to shuffle her team around. Me wonders and so did Sir Alan and his team if Helene did what she did to get rid of Lucinda and OF COURSE SHE DID! This is our soap opera though isn't it? There's the single mum, the dipsy one, the bitch, the schemer, the one that sleeps around etc....... Take your pick as to who you think is who!

One very funny moment last night was when Simon asked Alex to be his second in command and Alex said; “Simon do not dilute your leadership” which was not what Simon was doing and in the end he asked Claire. Alex tried to make himself look better in the boardroom by saying Simon was putting decision making on others, but of course

Maybe Margaret should win this?
I don’t get what everyone sees in Alex? I can’t stand him and have not liked him from week one. Those superman pjs made me despise him even more and his voice is a treble irritation. And then there's that hair! A nice short back and sides……Like Raef…….OK, maybe not.
Old Life, New Life
Simon has been given his old job back rolling out new technology for the National Lottery. I don’t think this is his future…….Simon if you remember, was the non commissioned army officer who specialised as a surveyor. He was sent to Bosnia, Canada, USA, Northern Ireland,
Cyprus, and locations in the Middle East and struggled with a drugs problem but beat that addiction. He is now happily married and has a little girl. He has so much to offer in his working life especially with an IQ of 170!
Old Life, New Life
Simon has been given his old job back rolling out new technology for the National Lottery. I don’t think this is his future…….Simon if you remember, was the non commissioned army officer who specialised as a surveyor. He was sent to Bosnia, Canada, USA, Northern Ireland,

I really liked Simon and doubted but doubted he had the true ability to win….I hoped I would and hope that Sir Alan will give him some sort of opportunity within his organisations. Simon Smith is a decent honorable, hard working man and deserves to do well. Good Luck.
BBC Exit Interview: http://www.bbc.co.uk/apprentice/newsarticle/cid/128.html
DigitalSpy Interview: http://www.digitalspy.co.uk/realitytv/a93991/simon-smith-the-apprentice.html
DigitalSpy Interview: http://www.digitalspy.co.uk/realitytv/a93991/simon-smith-the-apprentice.html
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