Had my urology appointment this morning which went quite successfully. Talked more about other issues than I did about my bladder though!

I actually forgot to tell him that my bladder had let me down on more than a dozen occasions but I did tell him how irritable it was. He doesn't want to put me on medication to control it though because he knows how bad my dry mouth is as it was perfectly obvious to him this morning how much water I needed to moisten my mosh! I need to let him know about the embarrassment bit though and so I'll write to him and let him know that way. I talked to him about the lack of monthly periods too because everything has been affected since my surgery. I thought it important to let him know that it wasn't only the bladder that was letting me down. He's unable to refer me directly to a gynocologist anymore which is ridiculous but it sounds as though it's to do with money. This is why; - If a GP refers a patient, the hospital gets money but if a consultant refers to another consultant then the hospital doesn't get any money. This is silly but true. So now I'm going to see a gynocologist too. If my monthly visit from auntie(!) arrives then I'll cancel the appointment but I want to know what on earth is going on. My GP and my Urologist both say it's highly likely to be trauma of the surgery but I know I have fibroids and who knows what else is going on? Maybe my womb has prolapsed as well as the bowel?
Back to the uro bit - I need to change the cystoscopy appointment because I can't make next week and my urologist wonders if the irritability could be a stricture in the urethra. He asked if it had been more difficult to put the catheter in and it is sometimes harder and sometimes I cath and it doesn't work? All very odd so more hassle to deal with. I've got some antibiotics in case I have an infection this time and explained that my GP is reluctant to give me antibiotics but I tend to get rid of infections myself anyway with lots of water.
Next appointment is Monday with the Pain Psychologist and I'm looking forward to that one. It's only up the road but I may have to get a cab to drive me there. If I feel as good as today though I will drive, it's only a short distance after all!
Oh last bit here before I go. Positive thoughts, prayers and best wishes for my dearest friend Marijo. She's having a big bowel op today and I know she was terrified yesterday. That calm exterior was holding back the nervousness underneath. I'll phone the hospital later and check up on her.
God bless you Marijo. Love and hugs and positive thoughts

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