'The X Factor' is? It's a brilliant show we have in the UK full of talented future stars or should I say last year's winner is beginning to form a nice following and has a cracking voice and goreous body. (Oh did I say that? He's 19 and I'm 36 and haven't a chance of latching on to any of his gorgeous bits!!!)
So - The X Factor is a fabulous show where we have three groups; the groups, the over 25s and the under 25s. There are three judges or mentors who look after the groups but ultimately they have to vote the acts off in the end after the public have voted them down to the bottom two. With me so far? Good..... The problem is that on the BBC we have Strictly Come Dancing which my darling American friends have copied as Dances with Stars.
The TV companies have us viewers snared. They know we want to watch both programmes and even though I suspect the winner of The X Factor is already decided (Leona - If I'm wrong then I will eat my shoes. Her voice is devine and she sung Whitney better than Whitney tonight),....this show is my fav on a Saturday night.
I've had a better day today after a couple of diabolical ones. My achilles tendon has flared up which is kind of ironic really as I am NOT taking an antibiotic which does not cause tendonitis - Oh did I tell that story? I did mention about the Urologist and his script for the anti Bs and one of the side effect's, although rare, was tendonitis! The day after I started taking the new one my ankle started to swell and the pain came from nowhere? Honestly it was so strange. It threw my back out as well because I could not put weight on my ankle and so I was all over the place.
Today has been the best day yet so I put some washing on with the help of the kids but they were in and out. My daughter had a concert which I would have loved to go too. I felt rotten not being there .......Just couldn't manage my pain levels enough to do that minor drive up the road which I would have IF my ankle hadn't flared up!!! My son went to the last young carers group meeting ever because the funding is changing and so the project is changing how they organise things for the kids. The teens plus group is still running however there's not enough support for the pre teens except for today when it was packed. He loved it and even sang in their mini X factor which is something he wouldn't do at school. Talking of which, he's had a rotten week and had a tgerrible time because of bullies and in the end he burst into tears after he kicked a boy who was tormenting him. My son would never lash out like this and it is not like him. I've spoken to his teacher twice in the past two days and I believe she's on top of it now and she's going to speak to the headteacher as well. Being the ex chair of governors and knowing the headteacher, I know this will be sorted; actually I trust the teacher to deal with it first and THEN to go to the HT. My friendship with the HT has nothing to do with it and I've left that out completely. I've also had to allow my son to deal with the bullies himself which has been terrifying to stand back and watch but Thursday I asked if I could now help and he said yes. When I spoke to his teacher on Friday and SHE told me my son had kicked the other child I struggled to hold on to my emotions as I knew that my son had reached the end of his tether. He needs help now and he needs lots and lots of love.
I've decided that one way I can help my son deal with his emotions is to tell him that when he feels angry/sad/emotional, he is to write it down straight away and he has a box to put it in and we have a time to talk together or he can choose to talk to his dad or us both together. He loved this idea! I was very happy that he was happy.
My teenage daughter is another matter. I suggested the same idea to her as it's worth a try but she's not at all interested. It's better that I talk to her when she's in the mood. I feel sometimes that I only get little snippets of time when she's "In the mood" and then she turns into the hellish teen from monsterland.
Need to sign off as very tired now and my back is rather achy. X Factor results later - Who will be knocked out? Think it might be Eton Rd or Ray and will tell you tomorrow.
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