Posh School has instigated major changes in my beloved daughter!
She's a transformed girl who is enjoying school rather than hating it and we cannot believe the difference in her?
Two weeks have past since darling daughter started at this establishment and WOW we have a young woman who still turns into a creature from hell every morning still but that will never change. Our daughter started her first day with her uniform correctly worn and she looked so smart......She came home and oh my! Her skirt had been hitched up a good few inches which is "How all the other girls wear them". She has her whole school photo on Tuesday and HAS to wear her blazer which I can't wait for as she looks so nice in it and it cost me a bloody fortune!!!
Two weeks have past since darling daughter started at this establishment and WOW we have a young woman who still turns into a creature from hell every morning still but that will never change. Our daughter started her first day with her uniform correctly worn and she looked so smart......She came home and oh my! Her skirt had been hitched up a good few inches which is "How all the other girls wear them". She has her whole school photo on Tuesday and HAS to wear her blazer which I can't wait for as she looks so nice in it and it cost me a bloody fortune!!!
Would you believe the day before my dearest daughter started at her school she also started her first proper monthly too? Yes, big changes for my little or not so little girl. She's growing into a beautiful young woman.......Who can be a moody cow when she wants to be! (like her mother?)
Now whilst I call 'Posh School' Posh School it is not a posh school at all! My daughter has made friends with all the girls in her year and came home a few days ago and asked if she could go and spend a couple of weeks with a boarding friend she had made. This friend is already taking one other friend home this summer to their 'summer residence' in EGYPT! but in 2007 they will be staying at home in SAUDI ARABIA!!!!! Bless her, she had no idea that the cost of the flight which we will need to pay for is going to be about £1000. Apparently this friend's dad will pay for everything else when our dear girl gets out there but how the hell are we to find the extra £1000 pounds when we are already paying all this money for her school fees?
The other news is this. We have decided that the school our daughter went to is maybe causing us too many fears to send our son there too. It seems kinda silly to send our second child there when we are so concerned and also we sent a strongly worded letter to the headteacher demanding our concerns were addressed and we have received nothing back. Our son desperately wants to go to this school because most of his friends are going there but he has seen the prospectus for a couple of schools including a brilliant co-ed public school.......And we have spoken to grandparents who want to waste some money before they leave this world. The cost is out of this world but our son is clever enough to earn a scholarship to the senior school in two years time and I think he will do this. We have asked if a place is available and lets keep our fingers crossed. We will have to put some of the money forward but this is the money we have saved from our daughter's fees......We have to do this though as our children's education is important and I do not want to be in this position in three years time with my son wishing we put him into private education. It is a difficult choice but one we must make but of course we will run out of cash for university so the kids will have to get jobs just like everyone else!
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