The scan itself was not too painful and the sonographer was as gentle as she could be. I had a flare again last night which kept me awake till the early hours and took an extra anti inflammatory to ease my inflammed gall which certainly it's cramped-ness and pain. Still hurt when that ultrasound gizmo jarred under my ribcage and caught my gallbladder!
I am also in the worst flare up I have experienced for some time. This pain does not want to go away and my legs are burning something rotten. I managed to go downstairs and attempted to sit in my recliner but it is not working. I'm only comfy on my bed today (as yesterday). I'm also hoping the buscapan will ease this gall pain but it is inflammation and not a spasm and I don't see how it can? Wish it would fix the burning legs (yeah right!) The problem is that rain is visiting today and causing pain to penetrate into parts of my body I'd rather it did not.
Normality still moves on and life revolves around me. My son is taking his SATs all week. Those pathetic tests all state schools have to take. Not for much longer.....He'll be out of the state system soon and then of course my fears will start as to whether I am making the right choices again. At least they are choices made with my husband and not on my own? Being a parent is not easy is it? Would not trade it in though.
My son has his worst test today - Reading. he did not do as well in his mock and has been worrying about it ever since........Good news though, my son has arrived home with a smile on his face and no concerns about today's test. Except to say "I did my best mum so can I have my money now?" Darn cheek! lol
Oh must add about the gall bladder ultrasound for those following this exciting tale. Will not have the results for TWO WEEKS! Yes the wheels of the national health service move ever more slowly and that's with the news today of more money being injected (ha) into the system. Needs the money but I don't know where it's going? I know what the results will say anyway except it means I have to wait to see a consultant and then have the surgery so more waiting. We all know that most people will pay to see the consultant and save time and money and I probably will too.
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