I felt the best idea was to focus positive energy on Madeleine and hope upon hope that one day she would return to her parents but the more I see them on the TV the less I wish she should be with them and the more anger I feel towards them. I also have this niggle.......This niggle that will not go away........ I look at little Maddy's daddy and he is so cold when he's interviewed and his words are almost as though he know's she is dead. What if? I ask myself......What if he has had something to do with her death? What if that nice middle class doctor has hurt his daughter?
Even if he is innocent of any crime I am sick of the family milking their own child's disappearance. I appreciate that they want to find her but it all seems wrong? Again Gerry McCann's words about "We are going to travel next" WHAT? Don't you mean we are going to SEARCH for our daughter? Why are you not paying for private investigators Gerry? Are you afraid they might find something?
I think it was terribly wrong for those parents to leave their children alone in that room and had they been a teenage mum who had to go out to buy a pint and that same teenage mum been caught out by the police, she would had been charged with neglect. The McCanns were guilty of neglect and let us not forget that. They have paid a terrible price whatever has happened.
I still hope that Madeleine will return home but every day is another day of less hope. Every day those parents make me more angry. Start looking for your daughter and stop milking people for money. You're doctors for christ's sake on extended leave and that means you are being paid! £200,000 a year between you will surely help you 'travel' Europe?
(Don't donate but help the cause)
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