Alas it is incorrect and will have to be exchanged and that is another cost for me I suppose? I don't know how this works and I'm going to have to talk to Judy as she is an expert on ebay. She's brought quite a few things in the past and I suspect she'll have all the advice I need.
Tired this morning and in a lot of pain again. I'm struggling to rid myself of this horrible pain monster who is attacking with vitriolic vengance. I know why and I have regrets in attempting to reduce my morphine because for 5 weeks I've had a lovely period of calmness. Now I feel like those walls of darkness are crowding in on me again. Can't type long actually as the laptop on my legs hurts like hell.
Boring talking about pain isn't it?
I've promised to help a friend with her blog and still haven't gotten around to it so if you read this Anin I apologise. Just Biggle hurting too much and I can't control it right now.
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