Anyone that knows me knows I love my BB and the celebrity version was a complete and utter farce. I also feel Endomol the production company who make Big Brother are disgraceful and rip people off left right and centre but the truth of the matter is WE have to take responsibility of our own actions and decide if we want to phone up an expensive telephone line and vote for 'Joe' or 'Sid' (or Joanne or Sarah this year) to be kept in or kicked out.
The cast of this great show of wannabes are a weird bunch this year and I think will be highly
watchable. We started off with TWINS, yes 18 year old twins called Manda and Sam. Maybe we could stick the two together and form a Samanda? Sounds like a snake and not the giggly pink loving twins which graced the TV screen last night. Lesley a 60 chair of her local WI walked up the BB parade ground and the crowd gave her a nice enough welcome. I think 'It Girl' Charley, aged 21 (I think) came next and boy was booed. I must admit I have not taken too her. She's a bit tart but without a heart. The others came long the BB now well known welcome/booed path in a blur and I can't remember the order? Was it Yorkshire Poshspice lookalike Chanelle, 19 (have had to look up her name as she is instantly forgettable), or was Tracey, with an 'E', the 36 year old cleaner by day and mad pink haired raver by night. She looks light fun and the crowd liked her too. Then we had Shabnam or Shabs/z, 28 (not sure whether its an 's' or a 'z' yet), who looks like Amy Winehouse and also last night I thought she also might be a transexual? Not so sure today though after seeing her in a bikini and wishing I had a bidy half as good! Emily a 19 year old.....Who's she? Oh yes the posh bird, the one who's an aspiring actress and using the show to get herself on the TV (clever girl!) She could read by the age of two ya know? Sounds by her accent that the posh private school was worth every penny! Welsh nanny fun, loud, Laura, 22 (need to double check that age), paraded up the path next and closely followed by man hating Nicky. (Don't know her age but possibly twenty something). I haven't got anything to say about her? Another dullard then? Highly likely..... Last but by no means least was I think the best housemate. Another loud 50+ "Say No To War", "Save Our Hospitals, "Pay More To Nurses" Carole.
Her home made placards were on show for all to see and the audiance loved her. Lets be honest most of us nowadays are anti-war since Iraq has gone tits up. "Oooh I've got goosebumps" giggled the host Davina, as the crowd roared their support for Carole which was the total opposite of "Get 'er owt!" for Charley. So here we have the caged in-mates. Eleven unsuspecting women, or so Davina calls them but of
course they are not 'unsuspecting because they have seen the show before? They know there will be a twist in the tail? "Where's the men" Posh Lesley pointed out. "Ar we an aw feemale howse?", shouts out east London happy (since she was greeted so well) Carole. There's another house says one of the girlies - I can't remember which one of the youngsters it was but they have decided it's a boy v girls set up already. They are all media savvy and aware of the cameras 24/7 and there are some pretty girlies there.....and some ugly ones too (Don't tell my daughter I said that as I never critisize openly but this is my blog so I am allowed). Davina tells us the audience that on Friday ONE man is going to be put into the house with all of those sex mad women.....I doubt they would be sex mad after two days but you never know?
This morning Welsh motormouth Laura, mad Carole and Posh Lesley were up early talking and Lesley was already getting on my nerves with her patronizing ways. Laura yabbering on and irritating with her "Oh let me do that for you", let me help you" etc., and Carole was being too nice.......Let the sparks fly because oh my they will!
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