Still cannot get this little girl out of my mind.
In all of the papers there is the story of the latest suspect who I won't name because he has not been charged. If he is guilty then fine. Trial by tabloids is not a fair game.
I hope this pretty little girl is alive but if she is then the frightening thought is that she is being

50 yards from the flat where the child slept. I certainly do not agree with leaving a child but let us look back 20-30 years when WE ALL used to run around freely as children? My hairdresser told me today that she has a lady who's hair she regularly cuts and this lady used to work at Butlins. Back in the 70's if you wanted to go out and leave your kids for the night, you would hang your nappy on the door and the 'Yellow Coats' would listen at the doors where the nappies hung and if there was a cry, the parent would be informed.
Wasn't that more dangerous then? I remember going away with my parents and running around in the evenings freely. Did not matter about darkness and I hadn't a clue what a paedophile was?
Sadly life has changed.
3 suspects questioned, no further forward.
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