I found out yesterday that one of my good good friends has fractured her pelvis! Oh the poor love as if it doesn't rain but it pours for her? She's has had a complete set of misfortunes and I want so much to call her but I don't have much money right now and what we have we are desperately trying to save for these school fees. Everyone looks at us as if we are loaded because we are paying for private education but the opposite is true. (Actually my true friends do not look at me that way, only some acquaintances do). Back to my lovely friend with the fractured pelvis. I often wonder how on earth she gets through each day. She is in so much pain and many meds are beyond her because she is allergic to many of the ingredients in them. Life has become an obstacle course for her full of ever increasing hurdles. I moan about my life but what about her? She's a wonderful lady.
Me? I am not so good......It's emotional though. My daughter played up again this morning after being the princess of all biatches yesterday. (I reserve the queen for my dear departed mother who knows she was a nightmare!) Yesterday morning was the final straw and so last evening we told (Hubby and I in a pincer movement) our dear daughter that enough was enough and we wanted this eratic screaming morning behaviour to end. We have placed fines in line for late getting out of bed/getting out of room/getting back to room after feeding mad rabbit fed etc. We thought we would see an improvement this morning .........
I don't think she cares. In total since Sunday she has lost £1.27 of her pocket money. With those fines in place she could potentially lose seventy pence plus a day which will wipe out any remaining money left. We have sent her a letter tonight which she is yet to read as she is not home. We felt bombarding her with anger would set her off so a gentle funny letter was more the answer.
"Dear darling daughter,
We love you very very much (Oh this is so very very true), but you are driving us to distraction every morning........."
Any tips?
Greatly needed.
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