Tallulah, the supersonic, bionic rabbit, climbed up the side of her run before her put the lid on and OFF she ran. Luckily my son was at home to grab her but I was expected to help but how? By the time we had caught 'Lulu' My legs had completely given way and my bladder was warning me "Get thee to a toilet quick or I am going to empty myself". Yes the joys of having a defective spinal cord are numerous and bloody ridiculous at times and embarressing too.
My son, grabbed my crutches and I got to the loo after we had sorted the other 'lu'. That rabbit is hard work and I am now in so much pain. My humour is the only thing keeping me going - No I lie, my son and his smile keeps me happy. My daughter is due to walk in any moment after a day at the stables and she will stink to high heaven. Why oh why did she decide at the age of six to love ponies? It wasn't my fault! I wasn't one of those mummies who had to take her pony riding so that I could talk about it at mummy and toddler groups. In fact I avoided them like the plague. I took the kids to those music groups where you'd look like a demented idiot pretending to play on your "Big base drum". I was particularly good at it I may add.
Warm day today. blue skies and it looks that way for the rest of the week. This is all good news for me and bad news for Biggle (my pain monster for those who have neglected to remember). Biggle who admittedly right now is raging normally loves dampness. He obviously loves it when I chase rabbits too.
Smelly daughter home. Must dash.
1 comment:
Several years ago, when I lived in The Land That Time Forgot, we set about a dozen "domestic" rabbits loose on the property. We kept them well fed and they had plenty of shelter in the outbuildings and under the front porch. UGH. Within a year, we had 300 plus bunnies of all sorts of mix. It was a true joy to see them lounging in the early morning and late afternoon dew. People would drive by from near and far to get a look at "Bunnyland". Have fun with your critters.
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