Went to watch my daughter play her clarinet again this morning with her ensemble. It's the last time as she leaves after next week. She will continue with the orchestra but this is all too much and she's growing old and wants to be a teen and go to town on a Saturday morning. It is funny how we view our parenting and see other parents and how sometimes they push push and push their kids into things they do not want to do and then they rebel. Our daughter certainly rebels but we do not want it to get to the point of open warfare.
So now I feel terrible, Absolutely terrible! I'm struggling to cope with my pain levels and all I want to do is crash on my bed and cry occasionally. I've slugged my oramorph and will have to get some more at this rate. I've been feeling very proud of myself that the last bottle has lasted so long - longer than any other bottle ever. Is this a sign that my pain is lessening? Maybe I'm taking less of my long term morphine too so it has got to be good. (One can always dream..........)
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