Need to cook the salmon first and me back is throbbing so it has to wait a mojo. Drinking the wine instead. Much nicer (Hic) With my meds is this such a good idea? Oh who gives a f....... FUDGE! Did you think I would say anything else?
My lad had his Taster Day at his posh prep school today while we went off to what could be his senior school and oh my golly gosh (now that is polite) I was overwhelmed with the place. The college is set in hundreds of acres with beautifully manicured lawns, cricket pitches, football pitches, college chapel, squash courts, Eton fives pitches (and I do not have a clue what that even is but I guess you play that at Eton too?)
We had to buy my son's uniform which is why we were at the College and my son has come home talking about it too. Normally 80% + follow onwards and although we are only considering our son as a day pupil and not a boarder but it hit home the enormity of what this all is.
We are (we hope) giving our son the best education we can. He will grasp it with both hands for the next two years and maybe he may turn into Bill Elliott and take up the offer of Ballet school in two years time instead? Who knows....
I spoke to him last night and told him what was said and we agreed to wait. Life moves very slowly when you are 11.
Must cook the fish. Back is killing. Hubby forgot the bloody sauce!
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