Zac 'Ziggy' Lichman has joined the house and what a nice on the eye addition he is.
From my Sherlock Holmes-esque research I have found out that he has dated the likes of Abi Titmuss, Natalie Hamilton, (ex Atomic Kitton) and more recently Suzanne Shaw, ex Hearsay and Darren Day's former beloved (ha ha-not). He entered the house looking rather dashing in a dark suit, white shirt combo and his crisp public school accent wooed the girlies right into his hands. They have not seen his past which will no doubt be sprayed all over the papers over the next few days. He is an ex boyband member (Northern Line), they had one hit that I can remember back in 1999 and I don't think they were together for long, a couple of years if that. Zac now calls himself a music producer which we could all call ourselves? I could say I'm an internet producer.....or parenting director! I love those titles don't you? Oh dear Zac/Ziggy also calls himself a broker too - I Lurve that one. I'm also a broker......At least I'm going to have to be very clever with my money to pay for these school fees.
Back to BB. Charley was obviously making a B-line for Ziggy and her face gave away what she was thinking. I don't know what I think of her? I'm trying to think she's good underneath because she's so hard on top. No one can be that much of a cow really can they? I'm thinking she's actually a softy underneath that tough persona and she's covering up because she's scared/terrified of letting people in. Almost like there is a scared little girl inside and her defense is this tough nosed bitch on the outside.
There are other girls in the BB house I dislike and Emily is one of them. I just don't see the point in her? She has no purpose to the house (yet) and she's acting in my opinion......My last mention of the day today goes to Lesley who's sense of humour is fantastic. She's as dry as they come and has managed to convince some of the dumber housemates that she is 72, (she's 60), her husband fought in the war (which one she has not said) and she's in the house to try to find ways to deal with her shyness! Not a shy woman that is for sure.

I've been following your story for quite some time, why I have no idea, just ran across it one day. But you always make me laugh.
I read where you were burned at forums. I just started a forum and the only one there is me right now. I'd be happy to have you there. You know a lot of medical "stuff" and would be a big asset. And you'd be safe.
The link is
If you don't join I understand.
Thank you for the offer anon. I've been burnt too many times in the past and this has left me very untrusting of those I do not know. I hate being like this but I used to be the sort of person that trusted anyone and that's how I ended up with a stalker! Yes normally it's only famous people that get them but I managed to find one of my own. Thankfully this person (I hope) is now chasing some other poor bugger.
Hope you get lots of members for your forum and it's a great success. I couldn't get on it via the link you left BTW?
I'm so sorry you've been stalked. But if you change your mind the "correct" link is
Hope you're legs feel better and I wish you the best.
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