Scratching one's arse with one's elbow is another favourite hobby when one is not talking to one's pidgeons (I believe that is all one is doing to them?!
Well.....Marijo always reads my blog and is a lovely friend who I've never met but would love to more than words could ever say. She and I share so much in common and can talk about things much like some of my other friends can too, but I guess I feel I have a special relationship with each one of my friends..... however Marijo is one I can phone regularly being in the same country (except up in the middle of nowhere).
She's had a major operation on Saturday to have her large intestine removed and thankfully she sounded absolutely marvelous yesterday morn. She was brilliantly doped up after a terrible night of awful pain. Apparently adhesions had caused Dr Pooh (as we have called him in the past) big problems during the operation. She's now attached to a multitude of wires and a drainage tube as well as her designer 'ostomy' bag - Gucci I believe? Yes you can get it all if you have Bupa!
So my blog entry today is purely dedicated to Marijo (her stage name lovies not her real one). She's now dependant on the dedicated nursing staff in her posh brand new hospital where they will wait on her, peel her grapes and answer her phone and if she leaves early I will personally come up there and change her Gucci bag to an Asda one!
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