Monday, April 16, 2007

Sponge Bob Square Pants - Part Deux

G'day to all near and far,

Hopefully today will meet up to your expectations? Mine are quite high which is a worry. I have acupuncture - not on my normal day but my acupuncturist was having a week off to wizz off camping in her battered old VW and so I had to swap around. The other big news is BunnyBUNNIES!Brown Rabbit Yes we Bunny Faceare off to buyBunnytwo Magic Bunnylittle darlings today for my two little darlings. We have two empty hutches and are prepared for are purchases and all we need now is the living breathing objects.

Will let you know the wonderful names later!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

When we first moved out here, we were given several domestic rabbits that got loose on the property. Well, they hung around and the critters did not get them. They appeared quite happy so we made no attempt to catch them. Within a year or so, we had around 300 rabbits of all sorts of shapes and sizes running about the place. It was quite a site to see all of them lounging in the dew at dawn and dusk. Cars would pull off the road to watch them.