Friday, May 18, 2007

When I thought I had made up my mind!

.......Along comes another alternate choice that hits me in the face and now I and hubby have to think seriously about this.

I knew today was going to be hard but wanted to HATE this alternative prep school. I wanted the Headmaster to be a rotter, someone my son would not take too but no, my son thought he was fantastic.......And so did hubby and I. He's already marked my son down as scholarship material which has cheered my son up no end as he felt almost as though being put in common entrance class was a failure? What rot! Common Entrance Exam is the equivalent of just below GCSE - What kids take at age 16. A scholarship would be like scoring an A in GCSE! I think my son will have to work hard and this Headmaster explained everything really well to us. He talked about Latin and science too because he said that's where many state schools lack in teaching. I said that as my son's godmother was also science coordinator at the school and my friend I would be quite angry with her if she did not give him a good leg up.

It was a nice visit. Not rushed like at the other school. The headmaster made us feel special and I think my mind is totally turned around even though the fees are much much higher and it's going to be a problem getting my son to school at times. My son said "I'll ride my bike mum". I'm sure he will......Even in the wind and rain?

We've worked out his state levels equate to somewhere in the middle of a privately educated child - Goodness knows how clever he would be if we had him in private schools from day one. I suspect my son is going to for a scholarship of some sort because that is the way he is. He has also changed his mind about his senior school! This prep school is linked to a certain senior school - The one my cousin sent her boys to but as boarders! Who would have thought I'd be sending my boy there (possibly?)

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