If blowing his trumpet was the task the boy would have won. But it wasn't and he didn't.
Now what on earth was this about class lines........The boy went to a minor private school in Shoreham By Sea which probably cost less a term than the lobster did!
So who else was in the boardroom? Raef "I sound like Hugh Grant but don't look anything like him" and Alex "I need a haircut and am very good at passing the buck". Raef, OMG, has a silver spoon firmly stuck up his backside, (and you'd sit like that if you'd had a spoon inserted in your never region).
What was the task? Selling FISH. The girls were led by Claire Young, who I said yesterday would probably not lead a task and go under the radar for weeks. Got that one wrong.......... Oh well they won and their treat was to get to the house first and have a meal made by the great Jean-Cristophe Novelli.
Who stood out for me? Lee of course and I was strangely turned on by the men in their blue aprons, white wellies and assorted ties; (apart from Nicholas who is a twat looks like one from 50 miles). I liked Steve too, he's got balls and rather large ones by the looks of it!
Claire surprised me in a good way, Lindi looks to be an interesting character too but in a scary bolshy way. Jennifer is another one I shall be looking out for.
As for men who I have not mentioned there is a reason...................zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz............What did they do? Let's see what future weeks brings.
If you want to watch Nic Brown fired again watch here;-
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