I remember when I first read about Heather Mills. It was quite some years ago in a magazine article she had sold where she was talking about the loss of her leg in a ‘terrible traffic accident’. The article went on to detail what a rotten start to life, did things she later regrets, but how she was raising money for others who had lost limbs and I was inspired by her.
The magazine reporter enthused that Heather was about to marry some bloke with a nice smile. No this wasn’t Macca and I wouldn’t say Sir Paul of Beatledom has a nice smile as his dyed hair and botoxed face looks a little freaky nowadays.
Heather Mills went on to repeat that story over and over again. She has undertaken a huge amount of goodwill work, raised vast amounts for charity (see facts at the end of article); however, there’s an old saying that originates from world war one; “Do not stick your head out above the trenches or you are likely to get shot. Heather has been metaphorically shot by the media, over and over again. She hasn’t learnt to keep her head down yet and has been slaughtered. Sometimes I feel sorry for her. Sometimes I feel she deserves what she gets. After all she chose to be in the public eye.
Although I thought (and still do) that Heather has a big gob, I have admired her. But a lot of that admiration has disappeared as she seems to be on a mission of self destruct and is not listening to anyone around her. Her decision to represent herself in the divorce says it all.
Her greed for status and fame is all encompassing and by going back to court today, she has used her daughter to further gain publicity. Using children as pawns in a game is drooping to the lowest of the low and it is obvious she loves her daughter very much, nevertheless, anyone as eager for publicity as she is, will only think about number one.

In court, Sir Plonker of McBeatle, had offered £15.8 million. Heather declared she needed £12
5 million. What was this money for? School fees, nannies and bodyguards, that’s what. A bodyguard would be a good idea to protect Beatrice from her demented mother at the moment.

What else is the money for - School fees. Where does Heather live? Mars! Heather
has demanded that Beatrice is privately educated because it is the only way to keep her safe; especially now the judge has given Heather nothing for her bodyguard demand.
All of Sir plonker’s other children, were sent to state schools and he feels if it is OK for them, it is OK for his youngest. I don’t think he realises how dire the state system has plummeted, plus it was never that good in the first place. It must have been hell for his kids at the local comp and I remember reading an interview with his son that testifies to that.
Sir Plank, may have working class ideals but he is no longer working class. Mind you, no school fees add up too £125 million?
The other cost factor is for nannies. If Heather is working, why can’t she pay for her own nannies? I suppose she is being the same as any other woman who divorces a man and has a child to look after. She is trying to get as much money out of this as possible but this relationship is in the
public domain. If it wasn’t public, Heather would make sure it was anyway. Do I blame her for trying to get as much money as she can? Would I do the same? I’ve nearly been there; my husband and I, split for two days and have talked of divorce but we planned all amicably. We intended to split our assets so that we could both live a sensible life and look after our children. No private school fees, nannies or bodyguards to worry about. That as how it should be done, not with money grabbing lawyers sticking their oar in.

Heather left court yesterday saying she was; “Very, very happy with the decision” but was not happy with the small amount she got. Confused? Y
es I was. Dear Miss Mills then went on to declare that poor Beatrice would have to travel “B class while her father travelled A class”, as she was only getting £35k a year. What she did not mention was her own £600k a year so I suppose it is up to her if she wants to pay for her own daughter (and the nanny) to upgrade isn’t it?
Why go back to court?
Is this a case of Heather doing ‘damage limitation’, after all look at Sir Plop’s lawyer, Fiona ‘
Grrrrrrrr’ Shackleton and her weird probably very expensive hair do, leaving court yesterday. It is alleged that Heather grew so enraged that she threw a glass of water over her. Must have been a colossal glass of water, as Ms Shackleton’s golden mane was drenched. What would you do if your ex husband’s lawyer was calling you; “many, many names before even meeting me and I was in a wheelchair at the time,” little Heather, aged 6, screamed at the teacher. Oh for goodness sake Heather we are not in the playground now. Of course it could have been a great bit of publicity for the Beatle camp. As I said, no glass of water causes your hair to be THAT SOAKED. Naughty Sir Pleb.
Heather is continuing to represent herself and will go back into court and say how unhappy she is that Sir Plonker agreed to allow ALL the transcripts of the divorce proceedings to be made public. She HAS to go back to “Protect her daughter”. So Sir Pillock does no
t care about his daughter then? Only you care Heather? Oh please, I used to respect you, why are you allowing yourself to look so utterly stupid. Sir Paul’s growling lioness lawyer argued for publicity, which Heather yesterday claimed was “a breach of human rights.” (Oh I give up). Heather went on to say the judgment “involves private secure matters of my daughter”. Now hang on? I recall seeing Heather being interviewed on TV declaring the judgment MUST be public and that she was concerned that Sir Pollock would try to keep matters under wraps.
BREAKING NEWS - Heather has lost her appeal to have the court papers kept private. Judge quotes Miss Mills evidence was "Inconsistent, inaccurate and less than candid". Reporters are eagerly going through the evidence now and one point has come out that Heather claimed to be
'independently wealthy' being worth £2-3 million when she met Sir Pillock. There is no evidence or her claim that she gives 80-90% to charity. Heather Mills will be ripped apart by her own stupidity. Bet she wishes she had a lawyer now.
You cannot have your cake and eat it. Judge says NO.
FACTS (so far, will add more as they are known)
Heather requested £125 million
Heather Mills and Sir Paul McCartney met in 1999 but not cohabit formally until the date of their marriage, June 11 2002. They separated in April 2006
The magazine reporter enthused that Heather was about to marry some bloke with a nice smile. No this wasn’t Macca and I wouldn’t say Sir Paul of Beatledom has a nice smile as his dyed hair and botoxed face looks a little freaky nowadays.
Heather Mills went on to repeat that story over and over again. She has undertaken a huge amount of goodwill work, raised vast amounts for charity (see facts at the end of article); however, there’s an old saying that originates from world war one; “Do not stick your head out above the trenches or you are likely to get shot. Heather has been metaphorically shot by the media, over and over again. She hasn’t learnt to keep her head down yet and has been slaughtered. Sometimes I feel sorry for her. Sometimes I feel she deserves what she gets. After all she chose to be in the public eye.
Although I thought (and still do) that Heather has a big gob, I have admired her. But a lot of that admiration has disappeared as she seems to be on a mission of self destruct and is not listening to anyone around her. Her decision to represent herself in the divorce says it all.
Her greed for status and fame is all encompassing and by going back to court today, she has used her daughter to further gain publicity. Using children as pawns in a game is drooping to the lowest of the low and it is obvious she loves her daughter very much, nevertheless, anyone as eager for publicity as she is, will only think about number one.

In court, Sir Plonker of McBeatle, had offered £15.8 million. Heather declared she needed £12

What else is the money for - School fees. Where does Heather live? Mars! Heather

All of Sir plonker’s other children, were sent to state schools and he feels if it is OK for them, it is OK for his youngest. I don’t think he realises how dire the state system has plummeted, plus it was never that good in the first place. It must have been hell for his kids at the local comp and I remember reading an interview with his son that testifies to that.
Sir Plank, may have working class ideals but he is no longer working class. Mind you, no school fees add up too £125 million?
The other cost factor is for nannies. If Heather is working, why can’t she pay for her own nannies? I suppose she is being the same as any other woman who divorces a man and has a child to look after. She is trying to get as much money out of this as possible but this relationship is in the

Heather left court yesterday saying she was; “Very, very happy with the decision” but was not happy with the small amount she got. Confused? Y

Why go back to court?
Is this a case of Heather doing ‘damage limitation’, after all look at Sir Plop’s lawyer, Fiona ‘

Heather is continuing to represent herself and will go back into court and say how unhappy she is that Sir Plonker agreed to allow ALL the transcripts of the divorce proceedings to be made public. She HAS to go back to “Protect her daughter”. So Sir Pillock does no

BREAKING NEWS - Heather has lost her appeal to have the court papers kept private. Judge quotes Miss Mills evidence was "Inconsistent, inaccurate and less than candid". Reporters are eagerly going through the evidence now and one point has come out that Heather claimed to be
'independently wealthy' being worth £2-3 million when she met Sir Pillock. There is no evidence or her claim that she gives 80-90% to charity. Heather Mills will be ripped apart by her own stupidity. Bet she wishes she had a lawyer now.
You cannot have your cake and eat it. Judge says NO.
FACTS (so far, will add more as they are known)
Heather requested £125 million
Sir Paul McCrafty offered £15.8 million
Judge decided on a lump sum of £16.5 million which included assets of £7.8 million – Total £24.3 million. (This sum includes a £500,000 to deal with “overspend” during separation)
£35,000 a year to cover maintenance, a nanny and school fees for Beatrice.
£35,000 a year to cover maintenance, a nanny and school fees for Beatrice.
Lump sum of £16.5 million is £14 million as a ‘capitalised’ figure for wife’s income needs assessed as £600,000 a year plus £2.25 million to buy house in London
Sir Beatle’s assets, including business assets were valued at £400 million. Half of this was estimated. There is no evidence to say he is worth the £800 million Heather is claiming.

No allegations of conduct allowed, as irrelevant
Judge said “needs of wife” were a factor of “magnetic importance”
Seeing as I have bitched about Heather, here’s some charity facts to even things out
Seeing as I have bitched about Heather, here’s some charity facts to even things out
Heather Mills is a Patron of No More Landmines, she is the Founding Patron of No More Landmines UK and a United Nations Association Goodwill Ambassador. She has campaigned for over 14 years to raise funds and awareness to rid the world of landmines. Heather is also a patron of VIVA-Vegetarian International Voice for Animals.
Heather voluntarily counsels people from around the world who have lost limbs in
accidents, through illness, natural disasters and terrorist atrocities. A year after her accident, Heather arranged for the first convoy of artificial limbs to be sent to Croatia. Over 400,000 amputees and survivors of landmine explosions around the world have been helped as well as millions indirectly since. No More Landmines has raised over $18.5 million to date.
Heather has also won numerous accolades and awards. See her website for further details: http://www.heathermillsmccartney.com/
Let’s hope she can put this divorce behind her and move on. I think what will come out from the evidence will give the media a field day and Heather will have to ride the storm. She chose this path, no one forced her into the public eye.
As for Sir Plonkety Plonk McBeatle – Let it Be. I don’t like you. You may have kept quiet but I don’t think you have won anything here. Dignity should have meant not going to court. I get the distinct impression that you are a miserly old man……who is trying to look younger but looks are deceiving. I could be wrong?
Who knows.
Heather voluntarily counsels people from around the world who have lost limbs in

Heather has also won numerous accolades and awards. See her website for further details: http://www.heathermillsmccartney.com/
Let’s hope she can put this divorce behind her and move on. I think what will come out from the evidence will give the media a field day and Heather will have to ride the storm. She chose this path, no one forced her into the public eye.
As for Sir Plonkety Plonk McBeatle – Let it Be. I don’t like you. You may have kept quiet but I don’t think you have won anything here. Dignity should have meant not going to court. I get the distinct impression that you are a miserly old man……who is trying to look younger but looks are deceiving. I could be wrong?
Who knows.
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