My kids are now off till April 115th..........Or its going to feel like that.
Days of bickeringing, shouting, ' the patronization of the younger brother by the elder sister, the 'setting up of the elder sister up like a spinning tot, and watching her go, by the younger one.
Can't wait..........
Celebrity - Hell NO?
Yesterday the camera lights flashed, the reporters got the notebooks and mini recorders out and you could had thought a celebrity had emerged from the Cathay Pacific flight from Australia with the fabulous arrival he received.
It now does not matter which website or which newspaper you go to, they all have the story, serial paedophile Raymond Horne, who spent 14 years in jail for offences against boys, is now in our country after being deported from Australia. He is a free man.
Raymond Kenneth Horne, 61, has been handed to police by Australian immigration officials, who accompanied him on a flight from Oz. He was released from a Brisbane jail after serving a 12-year sentence for 14 child sex offences committed after he lured two homeless boys to his apartment while volunteering for a charity.
He should be put on the sex offenders register for life as soon as he arrived in the country and I would have no doubt that a multi-agency team made up of police, probation officers and others, including doctors and social workers will be looking into how they deal with this man immediately. "Where it is known that a sex offender convicted in another country is to be deported to the UK, he is met at the port of entry by the police, who interview him and pass any relevant information to the police in the area to which the offender is proposing to live." (And he can move to wherever he chooses). Breaching the sex offenders register carries a five year sentence.
Raymond Horne started on his road to deviant crime at a young age;
- By the time Horne was 21, he was a repeat offender in Queensland, with convictions for assault, drugs and sexual offences.
- He served two months for abusing boys in 1968. In 1992 he was behind bars again for indecent assault of children aged under 14
- He was paroled the following year but jailed again after abusing more boys within a month
- In 1995 he lured two homeless boys aged 13 and 15 back to his flat and subjected them to repeated brutal rapes
And There Are More
Horne has left behind a 43-year criminal history in Queensland, but he is not the only paedophile to be sent back from Australia. An article in the Times not only tells us about Horne but enlightens us about another man by the name of Robert Excell. A similar situation occurred in 2005 when Robert Excell, 66, (pictured left), deported from Australia. “Police were powerless to hold Excell”, He had spent the past 37 out of 39 years in various jails in Australia for a string of child sex convictions dating back to 1965, when he was found guilty of a sexual assault against a boy aged 7. They would had sent him back sooner but the case was delayed by a police investigation into allegations that he had committed rape while in jail in the state capital, Perth.
The Sun also add another name to the list when in May last year, Keith Jamieson, 56, (no picture)arrived back in Britain after more than ten years in jail for raping boys aged ten to 18. The depraved bastards.
What Now?
UK-based RWA Child Protection Service director Paul Roffey, accused the Queensland Police and Corrective Services Minister Judy Spence of simply “shifting the problem offshore” and warned that Horne is likely to re-offend, why? Because he has “no social network” and will feel “isolated”.
Is this compared to the thousands of paedophiles who have lived all their lives in this country?
What stops then re-offending? Roffey claims that Horne’s loneliness could lead him to commit offences. You might as well give him an excuse then?
Judy Spence, said after the decision to deport Horne, he should be closely watched and that Australia “would be well rid of him”. “If he wasn’t being thrown out of the country we would have applied to the court to have him kept in jail,” she said. “I’m told UK authorities know he’s coming. My advice to them is to keep him under close supervision.”
Horne, who has lived in Australia since he was five years old, may not have gained Aussie citizenship but he was an Aussie by default living an Aussie life, albeit a debauched one. Roffey went on to say, “Had Horne been convicted in Britain he would have been likely to receive an indeterminate sentence because of his persistent offending and lack of remorse” (so bit critical of Aussie rules Mr Roffey, ours are not so perfect), and continued “But it appears that no special conditions will be imposed on him other than having to sign the Sex Offenders Register”.
OK, that reassures me I say, my tongue firmly in cheek.
There is a sad irony in Horne, Excell and others being sent to the UK. Many years ago it was the UK sending its unwanted convicts to Australia and did Australia have any choice? No. They were stuffed as to who they received. We should be learning from Oz and we should send more ‘immigrant prisoners’ back to their own countries; after all, ours are prisons are fit to bursting and our laws seem to allow immigrants back on to the streets once they have served their sentence.
Why are these men being deported now and not when they committed the crimes?
Australian authorities, (would Judy pictured here had been involved in this judgely huddle?) had planned to keep Horne behind bars indefinitely but last week declared him an "unlawful citizen" and sent him to Britain. The Immigration Department has not explained why Horne was not been deported before.
In other words it is cheaper to send him to the UK?
I feel so safe this morning, (again tongue in cheek) so safe that our government can run this country and have rules to keep us safe in return........
Oh and it's Good Friday and I had forgotten the importance of this day for so many people.
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