Being the mother of a teenager can be hard work at times but this morning she has been lovely. Yesterday she brought me some of my favourite sweeties and today she brought me some flowers and a HUGE card. I know I am appreciated and didn't need to have her spend her money on me, I used love it when the kids made me presents and cards and have always kept these gifts and will never throw them. My husband cannot understand my sentiment but how can I ever throw anything away that my children put so much effort and love into?
The big problem about Mothers/Fathers and Grandparents Day (what a waste that one is!) is that these events have become commercial and are a way of extorting money out of people and that is about it. I would much rather have breakfast in bed if anyone is listening and be pampered all day. My daughter would bring me breakfast if I asked but I'm making lunch as my son is off at an away match (rugby). I've nabbed a chicken recipe off Aiden Brooks Blog. He's a young chef who is working over in Barcelona. So many recipe blogs out there!
To those who do not have such a good relationship with their mothers, I used to be in the same boat. I used to say that my life would be easier when my mother was no longer around and I hate to say it but in many ways it is true. I can now love her and I have now let go of all the hurt she caused me when she was alive but when she was alive it was so hard to cope. When she wasn't drinking, I mean, not drinking at all then life was great with her. When she was in between drinks or had drunk and gone past that point of no return and become "Evil Mum". I hated her at that point. She would throw out vitriol and I would have to dodge the shots.
How do I feel now? I love her warts and all and wish she didn't behave in the way she did. She had demons she never quite got rid of and there were plenty of 'if onlys' left behind.
I forgave my mum and decided I could not do anything to change our relationship a couple of years before she died. It took her another year to understand the new me and then we had a wonderful last year of her life. She wasn't happy with herself and sometimes because of her drink, she believed things which were not true but I cannot change those things.
Happy Mothers Day Mum RIP
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