I had grand plans to write about Michael Stone yesterday but alas we have a bigger problem to
deal with.
The bunnykins live outdoors and enjoy happy days in the garden in big runs which we move about around the back lawn to ensure they get the best of our weedy grass, which is a grand way to live for bunnies with lots of dandelions. But in recent day they have been sensitive......or not themselves. It is difficult to explain unless you have pets however you know their personalities and my bunnies were not happy. Tallulah was not coming out of her dark area unless she was starving and had to eat her food,
Jimmy was staring out and almost seemed like he was on guard in his run; both bunnies had upset tummies; both were trying to tell us something but being wabbits, they can't speak human.
Then we spotted the little sh*t trying to get to Jimmy's food and all the answers
were....erm ......answered! We have been rinsing out the bowls daily with disinfectant which had slipped a bit with the kids doing a bit to more like once a week if lucky. The bottles are also being rinsed daily, the hutches cleared of all their revolting loose poos and our wabbits are much happier in their environments. In fact Miss Lulu (as Tallulah) as known by us in 'da family', has started to talk to me again (in clicky bunzy language), she's eating well again, as is Jimmy and he is much happier and no longer stands on guard over his food bowl.
Killing Rodents
There was a show on the beeb on Friday about mutant rats in Oxford which have built up an immunity to anti-coagulants. I hope we do not have these such buggers.
We've put down traps as it is quicker and kinder to even though we hate them, yes it is better to do it that way but the poison is still down around the back out of the way of the pets.

Our two sweet little bunny 'wabbits' have been worrying over something we knew not what? until Thursday.......and my daughter saw this bloody ugly brown thing......Then on Friday my son saw the tail, the long fat tail with rings on it which "Mum I swear it's a RAT not a mouse" OH *&&*!

Then we spotted the little sh*t trying to get to Jimmy's food and all the answers

Killing Rodents
There was a show on the beeb on Friday about mutant rats in Oxford which have built up an immunity to anti-coagulants. I hope we do not have these such buggers.
We've put down traps as it is quicker and kinder to even though we hate them, yes it is better to do it that way but the poison is still down around the back out of the way of the pets.

I hate the thought of those things in my back garden but rather them out there than in my house. I'm lucky compared to some people. We have had mice in our house before and last year had to put down traps and poison to kill a total of (I think) seven mice.
It was horrible, We are hoping this year we have covered all the options by buying one of those sonic noise 'thingy' (don't know it's real name but it apparently stops the rodents from creeping into your house or within a certain distance.) It works and that is all that matters but what is worrying is that we HAVE to buy these sorts of gadgets. Rats and mice are more prevalent now because people throw their rubbish wherever they feel like. We have rubbish dumped along the back wall behind where we live and this could be why we have a problem now? We are not definite of course as there could be various sources. The next step is to photographing the evidence and contacting environmental health.
I think we ALL need to take responsibility for this problem. People throw food in their bins which gives rats a perfect restaurant.
It was horrible, We are hoping this year we have covered all the options by buying one of those sonic noise 'thingy' (don't know it's real name but it apparently stops the rodents from creeping into your house or within a certain distance.) It works and that is all that matters but what is worrying is that we HAVE to buy these sorts of gadgets. Rats and mice are more prevalent now because people throw their rubbish wherever they feel like. We have rubbish dumped along the back wall behind where we live and this could be why we have a problem now? We are not definite of course as there could be various sources. The next step is to photographing the evidence and contacting environmental health.

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